Mahendrawada Kamesh

Action Inspirational Others


Mahendrawada Kamesh

Action Inspirational Others

The Day The State Split Asunder - 27

The Day The State Split Asunder - 27

9 mins

Tank Bund, also referred to as Hussain Sagar is a heart-shaped lake spread across an area of 5.7 square kilometres and is fed by the River Musi. A large monolithic statue of the Gautama Buddha, erected in 1992, stands on Gibraltar Rock in the middle of the lake. It also separates the city centre of Hyderabad from its neighbourhood Secunderabad. It is a popular spot for sailing, boating and sightseeing. 

    Thirty-four well-sculpted bronze statues, mounted on high platforms, of people who played an iconic role in the development of Hyderabad and Telugu culture along the Tank Bund road. Karthik came out of the Necklace Road metro station and walked towards Tank Bund.

He already had a call with her in the morning and she asked him to meet at the 'Rani Rudrama' statue. As he walked on the footpath he happened to see all the statues except those belonging to Telangana scholars and personalities demolished.

I should make sure to stop talking in my Andhra slang so that she will not get to identify that I am from Andhra, else she may start hating me… Strolling through the footpath he finally reached the place where she told him to meet. Around fifty women were standing outside the monument. They held placards on which it's written - 'We want Telangana!'

'Karthik!' she came running towards him. She tied her hair up in a bun. With a hairpin in her mouth, she said, 'Thank you so much for joining. It really means a lot.' 

'Pleasure is mine!' He said with a fake smile as his intention was to spend time with her.  

Sanjana walked ahead of him. She went up to a small group of protesters and introduced Karthik to them. 'Rohini, Vineetha and Aqsa,' Sanjana said, 'meet my friend Karthik.'

Karthik shook hands with them. One of them gave him a placard to hold. He clasped the banner in his arms and all fifty sat down on the lawn.

'Thanks. For coming and supporting me.' Sanjana looked at Karthik and smiled. 

I came here to just spend time with you not to participate in the protest.

'What exactly is going on, anyway?' Karthik asked.

'Last week, the police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protestors in Osmania University. One protestor became blind. So far more than one hundred students committed suicide demanding a separate state for Telangana. These Andhra people are demanding Hyderabad to be a Union Territory. Hyderabad has always been an integral part of Telangana and will always remain with our soil.'

Karthik could have argued with Sanjana about this but he couldn't as he wanted to have a real chance with her and not blow it over for some stupid politics.

'You are absolutely right. Maybe you can tell me more about Hyderabad's history if we meet again,' I said. 

'We will,' she said and tapped on his shoulder.

'What are your plans after this protest? Shall we have lunch?' Karthik said. 

She laughed. He took it as a yes.

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