Privacy Policy

We at Storymirror Infotech Pvt Ltd understands and respects the privacy of each individual as it is everyone’s fundamental right. We have framed our privacy policies while keeping this in mind for protecting your privacy or other personal information of all the users/visitors of Our privacy policies describes as to how the information provided by our users while creating account on our website will be stored and used by Storymirror Infotech Pvt Ltd.


We gather your information only to identify you by providing you a reliable platform for the sharing and reading of stories and other activities on our website. Our users only need to provide us their basic information by filling the form (available on our website) to register themselves so that each user can be identified among the users of our website. Our users are required to fill all the columns which are mandatory to register themselves and choose not fill rest of the columns. We also store information whenever you write to us through email or by any other way like letters. Certain information attached with the “cookies” is also automatically gathered by us which is necessary for us to serve you better. Cookies are small files stored in the hard drive of the computers, laptops and mobiles. Cookies are created on the users/visitors device through which a user/visitor visits our website and retrieves the browser settings to help you serve better. The information we collect is also used to store information like user id and password so that our users don’t have to re-enter the same every time they visit our website. Like many other websites we also stores information like internet protocol addresses, browser type for our internal search to know about the demography of our users. As stores, shares and displays stories on its website therefore we also stores information written by our users in the stories. If any user writes or shares any information on our website and later on realises that it should not have been shared then the user can write us at


As the old age principle says “customer is King”. While keeping this principle in mind does not use or disclose users information which may cause harm to our users. Our user’s information is used to provide reliable, safe and efficient service to our users. The information is also used to measure interest of our users in our website, to solve troubleshoot problems, to protect our users form any fraud or illegal activity. The information is also used to analysis and improve our marketing strategies, to improve our services, to analyse our site usages and to improve our site contents. We also use the information for sending our users promotional offers and messages. Information of our users are never shared with anyone except within Storymirror info tech pvt Ltd and that too only with those officials with whom it is required to do. The information is also shared with our business partners to help you serve better and to send you with updates of our services. As we respect the privacy of our users therefore our users can choose not to receive any promotional offers from us by following the instructions available on our site. We are not in the business of selling information of our users, however user’s information will be disclosed where necessary and we are bound to do so. As everyone is bound to follow law, therefore we will disclose the user’s personal information where it is warranted by law without any consent. Information written in the stories by the users will also be disclosed along with the name of the user whenever the story is uploaded on website. If any user comment on the story displayed on our website then the name will be disclosed along with the comment. Name of the Users will also be disclosed when any user wins any prize from our website along with his/her story. If amalgamates with any other company or any other organisation or part shareholding of the company or whole of the company is sold or to make our services better, financing will be required then the necessary information of the users will be disclosed.


If any individual visits our website then the same is subject to our terms and conditions and privacy policies. If any individual has any query related to privacy policies and conditions of usage the user can write us to In case of any dispute the laws of India will follow and will be subject to the jurisdiction at Mumbai, India.