I'm Kausik and I love to read StoryMirror contents.
Army commandos rescued a child from the jaws of terrorists; they loved her; and risked their lives ... Army commandos rescued a child from the jaws of terrorists; they loved her; and...
The sky stooped low, and the stars appeared so bright, so near! The sky stooped low, and the stars appeared so bright, so near!
We are driven by two basic forces: Eros, the urge to create or procreate and Thanatos, the instincti... We are driven by two basic forces: Eros, the urge to create or procreate and Tha...
Her eyes well up with tears, warm and wanton. Her eyes well up with tears, warm and wanton.
A story surrounding a murder and a deep deconstruction of the psychological state of the people invo... A story surrounding a murder and a deep deconstruction of the psychological stat...