Mahendrawada Kamesh

Action Inspirational Others


Mahendrawada Kamesh

Action Inspirational Others

The Day The State Split Asunder-17

The Day The State Split Asunder-17

9 mins

The next morning, Aarti woke up content in Adarsh's arms. She saw the time and woke up Adarsh as it was getting late. Adarsh got ready and reluctantly scrambled out of her home, took the auto-rickshaw to his hostel, took his shower and got ready. He reached the office on time and sat at his desk, waiting for Aarti. She showed up thirty minutes later.

'Why late?' he asked, throwing a smile at her. 'Looks like you haven't enjoyed the movie completely. What do you think about watching it again?'

'No Way!' she returned.

'Aarti please come to my cabin,' Siddharth texted her on skype. She got up and walked into Siddharth's cabin.

Adarsh frowned at her. He didn't like Aarti spending time with Siddharth owing to his fetish desires. But being his boss, he can't face him directly. 'If it was someone in his place. I would have beaten him black and blue. Why is he calling Aarti into his cabin frequently? I should put an end to this as soon as possible…' he thought and resumed back with his work.

Aarti entered Siddharth's cabin. 'Sir!'

'Hello, Aarti! Come on, take your seat…' Siddharth said. After she had settled down in the chair he resumed, 'Aarti, do you have any goals in life?'

'Hmm…' she rolled her eyes away from him, confused about giving the straight answer.

'Be frank!' he placed his hands on her palms and blinked his eyes twice. 'Trust me!'

He was so affable that it was difficult to roll back the answer.

'Sir, it is my dream to start a company…'

'I know it!' he exclaimed. 'I had this suspicion by how you look at things logically with a managerial approach. But do you have the required capital?'

'No Sir I am trying my best…'

'How much have you saved so far?'

'Hardly ten thousand.'

'What only ten thousand! Do you know how much it takes to set up the infrastructure and other amenities? You need a minimum of five crores.'

'What sir?'

'I am not lying, but Aarti…' he paused for a second. 'Can I ask you something?'

'Yes sir!' her heart started pounding.

'Aarti Will you marry me!'

'Sir what are you saying?' she stood up from her seat, unsure whether to be angry or incredulous. 'You are already married and even have a son.'

'Sit down first,' he stood up and got near her. 'Yes I am married and I have a son. Just because my father promised his friend to get his daughter married to me, I married my uncle's daughter. But I swear I was never happy with my married life. You know what? I was supposed to fly back to the United States long ago but it is only after seeing you I stopped it. My Love for you is true. A genuine love Aarti! My love for you is real.'

'I am already in relation with Adarsh! And I love him…'

'Adarsh! That slum guy!' he exhorted vehemently. 'Do you think you can achieve your goal of starting a business with him? Just hold on for a second.'

He turned around and got back to his system, unlocked his computer and a minute later, he asked her - 'Do you have the DHFC Bank mobile application installed?'

'Yes, I have it.'

'Open it!'

She unlocked her mobile and logged into the bank. To her surprise, her bank account displayed a total sum of fifty lakh rupees. 

'Sir what is this? It is showing me fifty lakhs!'

'You can add one more zero into it. Once after you marry me,' he got up and neared her. 'Will you marry me? See, I bet Adarsh cannot give you the same amount of happiness that I can give. Think about it. See you can start your dream company in a month, you can travel across the globe on business class flights, you can purchase a triplex Bungalow with a swimming pool, you can take a joy ride in Mercedes, we can enjoy the desert safari in Dubai, adventures in Turkey and what not… This is only possible if you decide to marry me.'

The images of Mercedez, Triplex house and the flight journey flickered in Aarti's mind. It became apparent to her that Adarsh couldn't afford all these.

'Aarti! Just tell me one thing,' continued Siddharth, 'Do you want to be with someone who can make all your dreams come true or someone who can't even afford to pay you an apple phone? Say Yes or No.'

'Yes I want to but-'

'Yes and no accept no contradictions. They are rigid. If yes, then let's get married… My lawyer will look after the proceedings of the divorce. But before that let's decide the name of our new Venture. What will it be like Aarti Techno Solutions? How does it sound?' 

Siddharth's persuasive words forced her to give it a thought. He succeeded in pressing the right button in her mind. 

'I am so scared,' she murmured.

'It's me, Siddharth over here!' He looked straight into her eyes. 'You know me very well by now, don't you? Isn't it time we take our relationship to the next level?'

Aarti fisted her hands to keep them from shaking. 'No! No Way! I-I can't do this,' she said, her lips quivering.

Siddharth sat on the chair next to her and turned her head towards him. 'Look Aarti! You have to decide whether it's me or Adarsh. I am giving you five minutes.' He got up from the chair and began walking along the perimeter of the room, unable to suppress his anxiety.

For Aarti, the walls are getting closed. She is unable to decide what to say, standing between Adarsh and Siddharth. If I don't start my business by the end of this year my parents will get me married. Adarsh doesn't even own a home and with the kind of salary, he gets it is difficult to adjust the capital amount. Yes, I still love him but I also love my dream… O, God! What can I do now…

'Aarti! Tell me what you have decided?'

She didn't respond.

'Aarti I am asking you!'

'Uff!' she stood up from her chair with a big grunting sigh and turned her face towards him. There was a serious expression on her face. 'Yes! I have decided! I will marry you… But before that, you need to divorce your wife. You have to transfer half of the ownership of your assets to my name.'

'Whoa! That's wonderful. Why only half? I will give complete ownership of my life and everything!' He hugged her tightly but she pushed him away. 'What about Adarsh?'

'Yes! He is the road blocker to your millionaire dreams…' he said with his tongue burning with sarcasm. 'I think you should tell him directly to get out of our way. Tell him today itself.'

'No! I can't do it… I can't look into his eyes directly and say to him. Why now? Can't we tell him later?'

'No! You know what the famous poet Kabirdas said, "Do tomorrow's work today and today's work now itself". If you can't tell him then I will. Let's do one thing. Let us sort this out at the Hotel Stella Palace…'

'Why a hotel?' she exclaimed, with her arms crossed.

'It's because we can immure this matter within the four walls. Leave it to me, I will take over from here. All you gotta do is just tell him on his face that you don't love him anymore.'

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