The Circle of Life...
The Circle of Life...

One day, I came across an artist. The artist was really good. He was drawing a scenery of sunrise. It really was a dream figure - a house on the crest of the hill, the sun rising in between the mountains, the birds flying across the sky... it was beautiful. And magical. I asked the artist what that drawing meant to him. He said, "I'm trying to personify myself. When I think about myself I think about this morning scene - full of vibrant and energy. Hence the drawing".
Later that day, I was at one of my friend's home. Her brother was about five or six years old. He was busy drawing something. The way he kept erasing the drawing repeatedly made me go to him and have a peek. He was in a freehand way, drawing a circle. The circle kept being elliptical and irregular. He erases it again and draws another circle. I laugh at his antics and asked what was he really trying to do. He said, "I just want to draw a perfect circle by my hand. Nothing much".
These scenes struck me like a lightning rod. There is a major difference between the drawing of the artist and that of this young boy. The artist tries to hide all his imperfections o
f his drawing by adding a bit more items to his drawings. He has hide himself in his drawing by adding more and more things to his drawings. He is ultimately hiding himself from the world. On the other hand, the little boy just draws a circle. Am imperfect one too. But, he tries to improve each time he draws the same. His is showing his life without any hesitation.
Our life is like this imperfect circle as well. The little ridges, uneven bends - all show the regrets and mistakes we have done in our life. Like the little boy is trying to achieve a perfect circle - he wouldn't be able to do so. Because no one had ever drew a perfect circle in life. Nor will one's life will be like a perfect circle. But we can try and erase the same circle and try to draw again, this time with a little perfection. The little boy just improves and improves as he draws again and again. We can do the same with our life as well.
But, this perspective depends on person to person. The person who is not willing to accept his mistakes and not make an effort to correct them - he becomes the artist. But the one who is willing - becomes the little boy.