Crazy Feelings

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational


Crazy Feelings

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational

Looking For A Family

Looking For A Family

10 mins

Finally, Kim exploded, "When am I going to settle down, Lydia!".

Lydia sighed. “I don’t know Kim”, she whispered feeling thoroughly sorry for her.

Kim had tears in her eyes. She was an orphan since her mother and father died in a car accident. Not that she wasn't devastated by their accident, she still cherished their memories. But, she was six at that time. Now, she was sixteen. And she still hadn’t found a permanent home to live in.

"This is bullshit, you know", Kim said in a broken whisper "Ten years I have been waiting and I still can't get a damn family. You know what, I'm done" and something in her voice made Lydia look at her sharply.

"What exactly do you mean?", she asked in a gentle tone even though she feared what she is going to say.

"I'm done living my life", Kim said and walked out of the foster care unit. Lydia didn't follow her out. She knew that she needed some time alone before she will come to a decision. And the betrayal by her ex-family was still fresh. But, she still worried. 

Kim walked out of the foster care and stood taking a deep breath. Mr and Mrs. Hope were nice people, she thought as she walked down the street to head to her favorites cafe. But, after so many promises and vows they had left every single parent had done to me. They got into money crisis and then...sold a human whom they have been feeding for an year. The words from the morning breakfast came to her memory, "Sorry Kim...we love you more than we ever have but...". She had just nodded and without saying a word or eating the breakfast, she went quietly to her room to pack her bag.

Kim jammed her hands in winter jacket and balled them into fists. Over now, she thought, I'm done with all the false promises and lies. I'm done with them. And instead of going into the cafe, she turned around and walked into opposite direction. While walking, she opened the phone and searched for the highest building her the area.

Well, she thought as she walked into the building named 'Green Leaves', here goes nothing.

She went in a building and instead of choosing the elevator, chose the stairs. She wanted to exert herself, so at least she would die out of satisfaction of achieving something tedious in life.

So, she climbed up to the top, they were twenty floors to the same building. She was panting with efforts, but smiled when she reached the rooftop. 

She walked to the edge of the rooftop, just as the sky turned into red and pink color. The sun was just setting down and the whole city looked beautiful. She took a deep breath and smiled. 

Now, I'm going to be free. No more family problem that I want to remember.

Kim reached for her phone which had several messages by Lydia. She didn't bother to read them. She scrolled down and typed - I'm done with my life. Find me in Green Leaves.

Just as she was about to hit the send button, she heard something. A sobbing voice. Her finger paused on the screen and she turned back. 

Kim saw a girl, about her age, running towards the roof tears streaming down her face. She looked over the city which was slowly turning dark now. She didn't appear to see me because she yelled loudly, "A son of bitch!". She shook her head and I can faintly see her lips trembling. She took a deep breath and swung a leg over the edge. 

Kim pocketed her phone and without a word, quick as lightning went to her and caught her by waist and said, "You wouldn't want to do that, don't you?".

"Why? What do you know about me?", she retorted but her voice came out as scream and forced.

"Because in this state of mind you wouldn't take any decisions. You are angry is what I'm seeing. And you'll regret this decision, forever.", Kim said in a calm voice, still holding her around the waist.

She screamed frustrated and swung the leg around, towards me. That's right, Kim thought she wouldn't want to jump now. She let her hold loose around her and she jumped in the terrace and sank on her knees. She buried her face in her hands and just kept sobbing.

Kim looked at her for a long time. She bent down after a while and whispered, "Hey, what's the matter?".

She looks at her, teary face and a look full of doubt. Kim raised her eyebrows at her in question - why not to try me?

She must have come to a decision because she said, "All right. I will tell you what exactly happened".

Kim interrupted before she began, "Myself Kim. And you...?".

"Avery", she said and Kim looked at her green eyes. She smiled and Avery to began to smile considering how traumatic she was a few moments before.

"Well", Avery began just as Kim took a seat besides her "It's family issue. My father is an alcoholic and has left me before I was born. I don't know if he was scared or what but...he didn't wanted to take my responsibility. My mother...dates multiple guys. And.." she paused for a while staring in a space ahead of her. "She is completely under influence of those guys. She does as they ask and doesn't give a shit to me. If they asked to throw me out of home...she does. I mean...who needs parents like that? I would be certainly happy to live without them".

Kim's breath stalled. She was torn completely by hearing this. One that, it is horrible having such a parents. But two, she does have them and she doesn't give a shit about it. Still, she quietly asked, "Has that happened? Did she kicked you out?".

"No...but she threatens so many times. Sometimes when I wished not to live with her, I go to my aunt's house. She does take a good care of me. But...she's my aunt after all. She can't have my custody", Avery says and looked disappointed.

"Avery", Kim says looking conflicted, "Your mother sure doesn't seems a nice person to you but...have you ever thought why didn't she kicked you out of her house? She could have easily gone to the court and given those files to your aunt. She could have easily done something".

"So... what are you trying to say?", Avery asks slowly, trying to understand what she means.

"Means there is still some part of her that she actually cares for you", Kim said in a gentle voice even though everythin

g inside her was torn. She knows that every parents...however bad they maybe still has a part buried inside them for the care of their children. That part never ever extinguishes. 

Kim continued, "Your mom still cares for you Avery. She doesn't want to abandon you for anything. She just doesn't show it or...I don't know. Why don't you try to talk to her? See maybe she will do something after all".

"But...what should I exactly talk to her about?", Avery says thinking of her previous words.

"Tell her all the problem you face because of the guys she dates. Tell her what you want. She surely won't say no".

There was a pause after this. Not an awkward or uncomfortable silence or anything. Just...peaceful silence. And a one with heaviness in it because of all thinking stress in our minds.

"Thanks Kim", Avery whispered low "Even if it didn't work out...thank for making me hopeful. And not letting me jump down", and she laughed.

Kim laughed and said, "It's not often you see a teenage girl running for a suicide".

"And also it's not often that we let a complete stranger comfort us", said Avery smiling "This is weird, isn't it?".

"It is weird, I agree", Kim said and something in her told to trust this girl. The earlier thoughts to suicide and dying had completely vanished from her mind. Even though, she thought, if I didn't have a family,I can easily become big and help her in their lives.

"What about your home, Kim?", Avery asked curiously "You sure to have a nice one because no one could have comforted me like that".

Kim turned stone. She could bring out the words form her throat and about her life. Not that morning particularly were she was again handed back for foster care. She folded she legs and wrapped arms around it and stared in space. She couldn't bring herself to tell about her life to anyone. But, seeing how bluntly Avery had trusted her and told her about her life...why couldn't she? She must have felt the urge to relive it to someone because...she was alone. Even the friends made at school were left behind. So, she said, "I'm an orphan Avery".

For several days after that episode, they both began to meet at Kim's favorite cafe. They soon became best friends and would hang out daily. Kim and Avery, both were glad for each other's company and trusted each other. 

Avery, now knows the whole life story of Kim and was quite sorry for her. She had heeded Kim's advice and talked to her mother who had given up everything to be with her. Avery couldn't believe her ears and went straight to Kim to tell the news. Kim was happy and sad both - Happy for Avery and sad because she was once again torn at the idea of having parents and a permanent home. They both were happy for once and had found the companion they needed.

They found out that they both went to the same school. It was that Avery was of lower section and Kim was a year big than her. Still, they managed to be firm friends even then. Kim suddenly began to have a positive prospect of her life again. But, not of parents. Or even a family. Those will remain in her imagination all the time.

After several more days and months, Lydia told Kim, "Someone, I believe has come for you".

"Who?", Kim asked uninterested. She knew that she was going to shift to a new home. That was Lydia's tone when she announced that someone had come to claim us. 

The foster kid unit had many children but...all had gone to new homes and never come back. Kim was the only one living there at the moment and was pretty lonely unless you count Avery coming and going several times here. 

Lydia winked, "Someone you'll like, of course".

"C'mon Lydia", Kim sighed "There is literally no one here and why would they come here just to chose me. They should at least have dozens of options".

"First of all", Lydia says in a stern manner "This is not at all a pet shop were parents randomly pick up a child -"

"Sure looks like that", Kim muttered.

"- and second the ones who have come are specifically demanding for you".

"Hmm", Kim said still uninterested but still went out to see.

Kim went out and saw Avery and a lady who was looking just like her. She too had green eyes like her. Must be her mother, Kim thought and become irritated. Why couldn't have Lydia told me if Avery was going to come.

"You could have called me instead of telling Lydia that she has a surprise for me", Kim grumbled as she gave a high-five for Avery.

"Well, she isn't wrong", Avery said with a twinkle in her eye "We have a surprise for you".

Kim looked at her friend, assessing her thoroughly. She looked as hell of excited and her mother was smiling besides her. Beside me, Lydia came and smiled at me.

That's when it dawned to Kim. 

"Your mother...", Kim said completely lost for words.

Avery nodded her head in excitement and said, "We are going to be sisters!".

Kim hugged her so hard and she cried in her shoulder. "Thank you", is what she kept telling her the rest of the day. Avery hugged her too, her tears also falling on her shoulder. Her mother came to Kim and hugged me hard. She patted her just like she was her own child and found herself relaxing in her arms. She thought, this is my final home.

Later that day, Avery and Kim sat in Avery's bedroom. No, Kim corrected, our bedroom and smiled warmly.

"Tell me", Avery asked "If my mother wouldn't have adopted you...would you still feel like you had a family".

Kim thought for a moment and said, "Yes. I would have thought. Because, staying with you has taught me that...even if you don't have a brother of a sister or even's fine. Family necessarily doesn't mean that only. Family is something for whom you care for, to whom you trust your secrets with, with whom you can be anyone you want to be. Family of friends or a family of strangers, doesn't matter to me. What matters, is the trust between them and they will back you up even in your most horrible timing of your life. If even you hadn't adopted me Avery, I would still consider you as my sister only".

"So... adopting was a bad idea, wasn't it?", asked Avery slyly.

"No, I needed to be in a group", Kim said hugging her "That idea was the best one".

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