Nivedita Das

Classics Inspirational Thriller


Nivedita Das

Classics Inspirational Thriller



2 mins

A tea seller had a small stall near the bus stop. Alongside tea he dealt in confectionery kept in glass jars. He earned enough to stay afloat and look after his family in the village. One day he noticed a saint at the bus stop carrying a small cloth bundle on shoulders sitting alone probably hungry. The tea seller pitying him offered some tea and confectionery. The saint smiled and said, "the good you do shall come back to you". The tea seller had a sweet and happy feeling to be blessed and of some help.

The saint came nearly every day and was offered tea and confectionery, but he never thanked the tea seller instead uttered the same words."The good you do shall come back to you". The tea seller got annoyed as it's a human tendency to desire words of appreciation and gratitude in whatever good deed


One day the tea seller thought to give the saint a message for not being thankful by not feeding him. The next moment he canceled the thought and offered the saint his usuals. That night he heard a knock at his door, opening he saw his son standing with dirty clothes and bruises on his body. The son narrated, his bus was late and when he got off some goons snatched his bag as well beat him on protesting. Luckily a saint came to his rescue. On being thanked the saint said, "the good you do shall come back to you,"

Now, The tea seller understood those were wise words but in a profound way, the saint meant to thank him for his generosity and kindness. The saint gave a hint of how grateful he was and how kind the tea seller was and he should always show the same kindness without resentments.

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