Wick story
Wick story
I am just a wick brought onto Earth
From cotton seed to cloth.....
My journey is tedious
The farmer initiated this process...
I relished the moment I was sowed into mother Earth,
Unlimited nourishment I got, right from my birth.
Which helped me bloom into moonlight flowers....
I was lighter than air, and purer than the water,
I forgot the clay with which I used to play on a lighter note,
as I was brighter than sunlight, I forgot my route.....
Pride got much of me, causing me to lose myself!!!!
o the selfish humans, who plucked me and placed me on a shelf....
From where I caught the sight of God and offered my apologies…...
He paved a way, I had a makeover into a wick and became wise!
I let my ego off and got drenched into the sea of oil....
Prayers to the fire who helped me come out of the turmoil...!!!
There I burnt myself till the ashes to the God of my creation..
Thanking him for everything, which lead to my transformation!!!!!
Thank you for your patient reading
As I burn myself, isn't this a happy ending.....