I woke up one day only to find a Genie next to me. Woo Hoo! I felt as though all my dreams had come true!!! Even before I could swallow the saliva down, Genie swiftly pulled my pillow with a request that was so humble that I could not resist to mumble. “Your wish is my command, go ahead and demand! my dear Master. You can get your 3 wishes fulfilled. Hurry up!! I am running out of time.” I thought of testing Genie first and demanded, “Genie, get me a cup of hot coffee.” Your wish is my command, here is your cup of hot coffee.” My first wish was immediately fulfilled and before I could savour the taste of coffee, Genie started again. This time, it was for real. Before I could demand my second wish, rrriinngg!!! “I murmured, Alexa stop!.” Genie, uttered, “Your wish is my command, Alexa has been stopped.”
Alas, I goofed up and messed with the first two wishes. I ignored Genie’s voice and pinched myself and remembered my mom, who always used to tell me three important things in life the 3 P’s; peace for everyone, pray for everyone, power for everyone. Genie pitied on me and said that this would be my last wish and delivered his usual dialogue “Your wish is my command, go ahead and demand! My dear Master, eagerly waiting for your last and final wish, which I am sure Master will be a blaster. This time, I was sure as I had made up mind not to be blind and demanded Genie that I should be so powerful that my prayers should be answered every time, with the help of which there shall be peace everywhere with the absence of hatred, jealousy, and envy.
Swoosh!! I rubbed my eyes. Whatever had happened…was it just a dream. Genie was nowhere to be seen. But, coffee cup was lying there smiling at me, which gave a ray of hope. I cursed myself, for being a fool twice without being wise and had lost the first two wishes. The third
wish, was way too far from being a reality. I nodded my head and wiped the tears off my eyes before it could drench my clothes and started concentrating on my daily chores.
I walked down the stairs and got into the car and drove to office. To my surprise, the office staff welcomed me with a beautiful bouquet and congratulated me for being selected as a zonal manager. Hurray!! I could not believe it. With a broad smile on my face, after thanking the staff, I stepped into my cabin only to find that the office boy was now the stenographer.
As I had missed eating my breakfast, I rushed to the office canteen to have lunch. It was a welcome sight. I was so happy to see that the entire office staff was enjoying the sumptuous meal together, be it the security guy or me the zonal manager or even the office boy turned stenographer. As if this was not enough, I was in for more surprises, as I could see no wastage of food in the dustbin, and in fact, the leftover food was transported to the orphanages nearby.
The entire office was neatly kempt with greens everywhere. It was even more surprising when I got a call from the Prime Minister’s office that our office had been selected as best Eco-Friendly office and that we were to receive the award pretty soon. My joy knew no bounds as I congratulated the office staff without whose help this would not have been possible.
The clock struck 5, and it was time to go home. As I walked towards my car, I could see a strange aura surrounding my car, which was pretty evident from far. No sooner did I open the car door, Genie was sitting besides the driver’s seat, smiling “Your wish is my command, I shall always fulfil your wishes so that the world is full of riches because I’ve found a master whose heart is made of gold, and I shall take care of him till he is old!”