Mouna M

Children Stories


Mouna M

Children Stories

The A to Z Animal Family

The A to Z Animal Family

2 mins

The A for Ants went on marching Hurrah Hurrah....on an ant hill. 

Then came the B for Bee from the Beehive and gave us the Honey, yummy yummy honey!

C , the Cat slurping the milk, slurrp!! Slurrp!! from its cattery!!!.

D says Dog, barks through the tunnel from its kennel, bow, wow, bow, wow......

E - the giant elephant from the tiny nest always at its best!! 

F swims in the ocean, swish, swoosh, swish swoosh!! 

G Giraffe on its safari, standing so tall, high from the tree!!!

Horse sips the tea sorrrr on the table in its stable!! sorrrrrrr!!!

Iguana sings the gana!!! sitting on a tree, let me be free, free!!

Jackal puts on it's shoe buckle and jumps out from the pump!!

Kangaroo says boo from the hollow of a tree, peek-a-boo!! peek-a-boo!!

Lion, the king lives in a den who became the best of friends with a hen!!!

Mouse peeps out from the hole and runs on the pole, from your house!!

N, the Nightingale on the tree, Koo Hoo, Koo Hoo writing its own tale 

Ooops, owl from its owlery wearing no jewellery, oops!

Paa pa pa parrot, the chatter box from its cage, says pa pa paa!

Quack quack quack quack, the quacky duck from the pond says quack quack....

Rabbit the rabby, hop hop hop from its burrow, standing in a row!!

Squirrel's color is gray, which loves to eats the nuts in it's dray!

You can see Turtle walk through the beach slowly to join the Sea!!

Oh! look at Bella who has a beautiful Umbrella!!

 The school Van goes vroom, vroom vroom, with my friend Anne!!

Wolf says woo hoo! from its den, searching for his kin!!

Xylophone sings Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti,, Do, on the phone!!

Yipee Yee, dances the Yak from the hill with a chill!!

Zebra prancing in the jungle, ready to mingle!!!

That's the A to Z Family, can you all sing it happily!!





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