Bharath Kumar

Classics Inspirational Others


Bharath Kumar

Classics Inspirational Others

The Supreme Abode

The Supreme Abode

5 mins

Settled on a revolving chair, Vijay kept tapping away at the keyboard bombarding the laptop screen with words. He was preparing a document that was to be submitted to the client in two days. The lucrative software career neither injected joy in him nor was interesting enough to hold his senses. Day by day, the office job and its workers accompanied him with disappointments and pain. Most of his colleagues were gossip mongers who squeezed pleasure by hurting others' sentiments. Some of them made a plethora of mistakes but denied accepting them rather blamed others for their blunders. Vijay hadn't been accustomed to being in such places which even reflected in his disrupted mood. One day he decided to quit the job come what may. He had no plans for the future but was not ready to invest all his life into something which never excited him. All prying eyes gazed at his countenance to detect his mood as he put in papers. He bid adieu to everyone and left the company. There was a sense of satisfaction amidst the fear of the future. Being a spiritual person, he believed the end of one chapter meant the beginning of a new and exciting chapter. He harboured a belief that the almighty will create a path for him.

Many took him to task for quitting such a lucrative career that promised abundant wealth and an illuminating future. Vijay didn't take their pricking words into his heart but rather brushed off their mockery with a simple yet profound smile. He abandoned a lucrative career because it failed to breathe life in him.

He forsook the office environment because the culture there threatened to suffocate him. Some mocked him for consigning his career to the laps of God. Vijay was mentally strong enough to cast off such nasty thoughts. He set in motion reading spiritual books. The experience was not only satisfactory, it even managed to steady his mind and brought a sense of peace and calmness which invigorated his soul to begin a new journey. The philosophical truths hidden in consecrated books pivoted his perception of life and unfastened the layers of negativity, to quaff him with ecstasy. Brimmed with courage and confidence he set his consciousness in between the eyebrows and began fervently praying to the Supreme God. No one is bigger than God and no one is better than God. The self-realisation path he chose seemed to have been his best decision to date. Common men laugh when he has expounded spiritual knowledge because he deems material desires as supreme. Entangled in the fallacy of material senses, his deluded mind can never come to terms with the bliss manufactured by spirituality. Spiritually bankrupt souls steeped in ego could never enjoy the humbleness offered by selfless souls. 

What started as a hobby turned into a profession for Vijay as he could control his mind and senses through relentless meditation. He began training others as well to pursue the journey of mediation which was a tool to foil the plans of anxiety and attain bliss thanks to the almighty. Many who had been confused and lost took shelter in his mediation class which helped them to steady their mind to channel them toward positive activities. His Spiritual lessons were soothing to the lacerated hearts and pain-ridden minds. His veritable advice doused the flames of dogma and expounded the crux of spirituality. One day, a man bereft of wisdom, steeped in jealousy threatened to cease Vijay's selfless service. He accused Vijay of having corrupted young minds. The spiritually handicapped person should have realized that all Vijay was doing was a great service to the nation by rendering selfless service. Confronting a spiritually advanced person is akin to putting a hand on fire. Whatever work spiritual people venture in, it has a profound meaning beneath it that is incomprehensible to ordinary souls. His allegations evaporated when everyone supported Vijay and encouraged him to continue his spiritual work for the betterment of the nation. 

Vijay's spiritual supremacy reached nook and corner of the world, even the foreigners were profoundly impacted by his endeavours. He started his yoga centre wherein people all over the world thronged to steep themselves in spiritual bliss. Prayers in mass, meditation in mass, the centre had indeed turned into a spiritual paradise. Many who enrolled in the yoga classes saw tremendous improvements in their life thanks to the purity scattered by the sacred place. There were days when collective prayers went through the night which depicted the devotional strength of the devotees. Vijay reminisced about his past days when he was reluctantly sitting in front of a laptop tapping keys being indifferent to his material life. He could now distinguish his present spiritual life from his past material life. Had he courses through the material life perhaps he would have been a mess in and out. There will be times when we get stuck in catch 22 situations, unable to choose the two paths laid in front of us. Just lean back, be an objective observer, understand which path can lead to betterment and fulfilment, and which path brings out the best in you. It doesn't matter what society says; it doesn't matter what spins up in your future. Just go with your gut feeling and be the witness to the transformation which materializes in your life. 

Being a serious practitioner of meditation and spiritual activities, there was no dearth of happiness in my life of Vijay. His countenance was always lit with joy being satisfied by his decisions. The reality of many folks all over the world benefitted from his work rendered him utmost fulfilment. Even on his deathbed, he recited powerful affirmations of the almighty. He deserved all the rights and was equipped with all spiritual qualities to be one with God, to dwell in the supreme abode to which not many get access. He did not have to go through the relentless process of birth and death as he left the material world and got a ticket to the supreme abode.

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