Queen Of Night
Queen Of Night

It was the same routine for the last 78 night. Drink warm milk with a teaspoon of sugar. Brush my teeth. Set a redundant alarm for 6 am. Close my eyes, go to sleep.
All for what? I open my eyes to see it is 3.13 am, every single night!
Every night at that moment, all I hear is silence. The silence is too loud, I barely hear my pounding heart. An eerie feeling creeps over me as I see through the curtains, the ice glazes over the window from the sudden cold. A smell wafts through. one that is so familiar. I know what it is, I have definitely smell it before, yet I can't name it. All these days I have never been able to remember it. I have tried day after day, night after night, still zilch.
But last night again the same smell wafts through me. Wh
ich forced me to return back to my school days. I remember it was the smell of that beautiful flower that spread its beautiful fragrant in the environment during our assembly periods.
The divine smell was so heart touching that takes us near God.
After discovering the smell I return back to my present. I ran outside to saw from where this beautiful fragrant comes from. After a long period of time my nose witness such a beautiful and sweet fragrance. The atmosphere was very cloudy, it was difficult to search for the flower. But little far from my home I saw some white colour things visible but it was not clear. Slowly I reach near it and I saw a very beautiful Saussurea flower, whose beauty calm my mind, build a positive spirit in my body.