Last Summer Vacation
Last Summer Vacation

Every year my sibling and I eagerly wait for the summer vacation. Fifty days of vacation filled with lots of fun, excitement and a bag filled with holiday homework. Five days before vacation our count down started. Day before the vacation in our school, I and my friends were discussed about our plans in the vacation. I work day and night to complete my homework within ten days of my vacation period. Every year I with my parents visited to our village.
During summer days we witness a very beautiful scenery of our village. Village life was far away from busy and crowded township. Villagers are very calm, simple and very kindhearted. Beautiful early morning comes with a fresh hope and new strength for the villagers. The clear blue sky welcome the sun by sweet fragrance flowers, and chirping sound of birds create a melodious environment. The pond, well are filled up with smile and h
appiness of small children and village ladies. The yellow crops started dancing with excitement when the sun rays kissed them.
All the children were gathered in hot sunny afternoon near the mango trees and collect mango, when they heard the sound of ice cream man sound they left all there work incomplete and ran toward the ice cream man. The ice cream party and the colourful tongue has its own specialty.
When darkness spread all around the farmers return back to their home. Silence grave the surrounding, the melodious music of nightingale break the silence.
Now all these golden days were became a dream for us. All those innocent summer vacations were lost somewhere in my busy life, my friends are changed. In my childhood I enjoyed each day of my vacation in my village with my friends. The place where I spent all my beautiful memories of my childhood is unknown to me.