A Lesson
A Lesson

Once upon a time there was a large pond near a ground. In that pond many frogs were lived happily like a family. One day some boys came to the ground to play cricket. While playing there ball fall in the pond and a frog was hurt badly. When those boys reached near the pond and saw the frog they started laughing and decided to play a new game. They collect many stones and started through to the pond. It became fun for them.
But for these active many frogs are badly injured and some died. By seeing these a old frog started shooting "we did nothing to you then why you are hurting us? It may be a fun game for you but it harm us. You have no right to play with anyone's life".
When those boys heard the frog they realised there mistake and felt sorry for their active.
MORAL: We have no right to play with anyone's life. We have to assure that the game we play is safe for everyone.