Looking Back—2024
Looking Back—2024

Never in my life have I maintained a diary. Maybe because I did not have time or because I was too lazy to start doing so. However, what has always been my practice is to write a report at the end of each year regarding the activities that I did throughout the past year.
2024 was a year with ups and downs which is practically the case with every year for anyone. However, unlike every year, 2024 was different. I shifted to a new house, a new school and the course of my life took a great turn because of this. Friends whom I had met almost everyday for the past 9 years or so, suddenly appeared distant. Though I had vowed never to break the cords of friendship, being connected through the internet is quite different and more difficult compared to being connected physically. Teachers eho had moulded me into the person I am today, suddenly seemed miles away. The edifice which I had called my second home ceased to be so four years before thid was supposed to happen ideally.The summer months were hard for me, I had trouble adjusting and the intolerable heat this year made matters worse but I had the priviledge of enjoying unwavering support from my new classmates, my new teachers who all came to be acquainted with me, my seniors and, above all, my parents. Pushing aside all hardships, I adjusted and made a mark on this new second home.
An extra curricular activity is required in today's world and I chose quizzing. It is an effective way to learn like giving fuel to a fire and I had participated and won one quiz in 2023. This year however, I have participated in ten quizzes thanks to the opportunities offered by my new school. Two of my seniors, wh
om I came to knew because of quizzing are perhaps one of the greatest quizzers in the country and I am blessed to be in their team. We have had 'quiz classes' and 'quiz clubs' from May so that we can practice for upcoming quizzes and we have done quite well in most of them. Academically until August 2024, I had been slapped in the face time and time again by one subject—Mathematics, to the extent that it made my life miserable. However, ignoring my misery at having to do sums, I pushed myself very hard and did what I never wanted to do—of course under the guidance of my teacher at school, at tuition as well as my parents—above everything else and finally my efforts bore fruit as I obtained full marks in a Mathematics Examination, the first time since 1st standard as far as I remember. This, my dear reader, is my greatest achievement of the year and I shall cherish it for the rest of my life. Now, I do not hate the subject anymore, on the contrary I love it—maybe I shall pursue a career in Mathematics. It was clear to me that what I thought to be Impossible for many years turned out to be 'I'm Possible'.
On the other hand, I have not produced many stories this year but that is fine I believe since Storymirror is not going away anywhere and neither am I. (Hopefully)
As time passes and 2024 draws to a close, I must confess that this year has been a magical year and I have been able to understand my potentials. There have been a lot of changes in my lifestyle and a lot of changes in me which leads me to recollect a famous saying of the Buddha Shakyamuni as I draw to the end of this writing—"Nothing is permanent except Change."