Arun Dash

Drama Tragedy


Arun Dash

Drama Tragedy

Fetus’ Fate

Fetus’ Fate

1 min

If ever I knew

They’d make me

A means to reach

Their cherished end

That eluded them last time,

I might have thought again

Before I saw the light.

If ever I knew

They’d force on me

A life devoid of

My consent, only to gratify

Their swollen ego,

I might have thought again

Before I walked on the earth.

If ever I knew

Such obsessive possessiveness

Would replace

Their tender love

That nourished me inside

For so long,

I might have thought again

Before I came to the fore.

If I ever knew

They’d live afresh,

In me, to fulfil

Their dashed dreams

Usurping my only life,

I might have thought again

Before I cherry-picked their womb.

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