A Deal With My Sulking Muse

A Deal With My Sulking Muse

1 min

This time, the wait’s even longer -

Longer than they waited for Godot!

Every second’s wait pounces on me

Like a hungry vulture, taking a lump

Of flesh from my earthly being,

Essaying a decay beyond repair!

Your mystic silence, my Muse,

Brews a chaos within me

Clamouring for an explanation

That’s beyond my comprehension.

Your continued absence, my Muse,

Closes the window to the adored slice

Of my life, restraining an early bloom

Of my creative effulgence.

Your nagging indifference, my Muse,

Stifles the growth of my being

By resting your flow of divine inspiration,

Heralding my death even before my breaths dupe me.

Abandon this abysmal agony, my Muse;

Ink an inimical deal with your favoured terms;

I vow to sign it blindfolded

Pledging the whole of my soul

Until I pay off this mammoth loan.

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