A Wake Up Call !!
A Wake Up Call !!

A web of questions create sensation,
After years of Independence in our nation…
Poverty-stricken slums on the roadside,
Depict their quietism and loss of rights;
The exponentially growing corruption,
Is in line with the trends of modernization;
The symbolic gestures like ‘yatras’ and ‘fasts’,
Now used as tools for popularity by the political class;
Loss of lives in hazards and accidents,
Yearn for active measures by the government;
The multi-religious, multi-racial country,
Questions for the loss of basic ‘Unity’;
The mind stunned and baffled,
With the thoughts and actions jumbled;
Such modern arena of mystery,
Remind us our glorious history !!
The heart pines for those selfless ‘icons’ of service,
Who left no stone unturned to give us peace;
It’s a wake-up call for young generation,
To alleviate poverty and curb corruption;
Lead India to the top rung on the ladder of success,
It’s then, time to celebrate our Real Independence!!