The Parrot And The Cage
The Parrot And The Cage

In the dark room
Curtains pulled down
Stopping the light to enter
A parrot sat in the window
In cage --
Not locked.
On one side
Was a chair
Occupied by a woman
With her screen in her hands.
Hypnotized by it --
She was rolling her fingers on the empty screen.
The iron bars of the cage got tighter
But the parrot felt no pain yet
As it did not touch him either.
The woman, sitting still
Kept peeping into the screen.
As she peeped and peeped
With eyes wide open
And head completely bent
The screen held her tighter and tighter
Barricading her escape.
The parrot noticed just then--
There was no lock upon his cage.
'All I am supposed to do is--
A little effort
And I am free', he thought.
As he tried--
It was painful
But necessary.
his fullest effort
He pushed open the gate
And was set free.
The woman tried to wake up
But found herself helpless.
Peeping into the screen was interesting
Yet discomforting.
As the parrot moved the curtain
A little sunlight escaped from a corner
Disturbing the screen viewer.
In a happy state
He flew away into the high sky.
Disturbed, she woke up
To return into the dark again
And let her screen fall off her hands.
Before she could pull the curtains down
Some bright light entered her eyes
Showing her the view of deep blue sky
It was beautiful
And relieving.
In no time
She let the sun come in
And light her room.
The light from the sun was brighter than her screen.
The parrot was flying high in the sky.
The cage could imprison him no longer.