Secrets Of Cleopatra
Secrets Of Cleopatra

Her beauty lay in her wishful eyes....
Angelic as she was, no lust but a deep poise.
I wondered not once but time again.....
What kept her smiling with wrinkled palms and rags too soiled.
A queen she was of her wishes and whims....
A lady of fantasies and desires within.
A note deeper, I persuaded myself to make....
The wrinkled ones held a few pennies waiting to exchange.
Unlike me choices she had, popsicles or candies or a bit of jam....
Is that what kept her gleaming with glam?
I wondered not once but time again.....
Enticed enough that I decided to follow....
Her streets were narrow, filled with life and not hollow.
The princess of her own world decided to unfold....
As she laced out a dress, a tad bit torn and a tad bit old.
She felt a ‘Cleopatra’ in the dramatic outfit she wore...
For she wore it all and swirled on the rustic floor.
Is that what kept her beaming with glow?
I wondered not once but time again....
I decided not to quit but explore ‘The more’...
Envious as I got, but the sight drove me bizarre.
The little one is poked with needles and I felt them so hard....
For she danced the floor and suffered the war....
Her face showed no fear and felt the warmth....
Her smile went brighter for she knew ‘what’ won was her tender heart.
Is that what kept her high on hope?
I wondered not once but time again....
I held my steps and drove the way back....
Her dainty self, made me proud and envious no more.
......For I knew the winning secrets of Cleopatra by then.