Drama Others



Drama Others

Look at the Silent Night

Look at the Silent Night

2 mins

Look at the silent night see how quiet,

The silence of darkness the beauty of the night.

See the moon playing hide and seek with clouds.

See the stars twinkling down, so far away

Yet visible,

See the clouds moving hurriedly along the sky line,

All these the stars, the moon, the clouds,

Play out their movements against a backdrop,

Of the vastness of the limitless sky,

The beauty of the scene above gives

A feeling of an unseen, but, omnipresent presence,

That defines the way of our living.

 For life is also all about giving,

And what better way but to learn from   nature,

The moon the clouds and the stars living in harmony.

Under the vast canopy of the sky,

It's a message from nature, live in harmony.

Live in peace, creating tranquility wherever you go,

For the times are not good, we are alone in our homes,

Distancing from our family members,

Because of the dreaded coronavirus, that has intruded in to our lives.

So be patient with people around you,

Look at nature learn from nature, live in nature.

For nature teaches you patience, nature teaches harmony.

Nature teaches you to love one another

As does the moon the clouds and the stars.


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