Loving Her
Loving Her

My friend’s brother went to see a girl. She was a cute chubby girl.
I asked him about their meeting.
Me: How was your date with her?
Him: Good (with a saddening tone).
Me: What happened? Why are you sad?
Him: Actually, it was her 15th meeting. Every time boys come and reject her.
Me: What did she tell you?
Him: She told that she doesn't wanna get married just to get a divorce later. She knows if someone marries due to pressure from his family, he will eventually dump her. She has had enough heartbreaks and she can't tolerate it anymore. Actually, she loved a boy but he loved her back just to get revenge on his ex.
Me: What was your reply?
Him: I said I am impressed. She was awestruck on hearing that. I like girls who tell things straightforward without buffering like some network. If she is a beauty queen and then if she cheats on me, what is the use of beauty.
Me: OMG!! What was her reaction?
Him: I regret that I couldn't get a photograph of her face at that time. But it is embedded in my memory forever. Even Alzheimer can't touch it!!!
Me: Wow!!! Then (I was surprised to the core)
Him: I told that my mother was slim but after her pregnancies she become fat and now she can easily lift a bus. Did my father dump her for being fat? Nope. They are the best food buddies I have ever seen even though their unity is only visible in front of food.
Me: Wow!!!
Him: You should have seen her face. It was lit up like a 10000 volts bulb!!!!!
Me: Then why were you sad?
Him: I just thought about the boys. If they didn't like fat girls then they could have avoided the meeting rather than insulting her. What if their sister was in that position?
Me: You are a gem.
Him: Should I go to the bank locker now to protect me?
Me: No. She is enough.
Him: Haha she is not my bodyguard. She is my…
Me: My what? Oh, the poet sleeping inside you is gonna unleash. Oh my god, poor didi will have to face its wrath.
Him: I will tell after some more dates with her. Also, you will only understand when you meet one.
Me: Yeah. Most probably it will happen on February 31.
Him: Hahahaha….