Served TELCO , Jamshedpur for 11 years and PSU Fertilizer Plants for 20 years at Barauni, Bihar and Namrup, Assam, Voluntary Retirement in 1989 as Chief Engineer .
Maulana Ashraf Ali Saheb is on his way back home from work. In his hand is a small suitcase - a reti... Maulana Ashraf Ali Saheb is on his way back home from work. In his hand is a sma...
Both Jonah and his little horse have not moved out of their place for too long. Both Jonah and his little horse have not moved out of their place for too long.
Barrister Squartsoff saw the beggar's scruffy coat, the intoxicated filthy eyes, the red spots on th... Barrister Squartsoff saw the beggar's scruffy coat, the intoxicated filthy eyes,...
She smiled sadly and I read on her face 'Yes, it is possible.' She smiled sadly and I read on her face 'Yes, it is possible.'
“This is a good practice.” I told.”But how to reach Samotechnaya junction now?” “This is a good practice.” I told.”But how to reach Samotechnaya junction now?”
I saw him walking up in bedraggled clothes; khaki coloured from top to bottom. I saw him walking up in bedraggled clothes; khaki coloured from top to bottom.
She had barely sat at her desk at the bank when her eyes fell on Maya carrying a 5-year-old child in... She had barely sat at her desk at the bank when her eyes fell on Maya carrying a...
The cycle swayed this way and that for some distance and then the cycling pace became steady. The cycle swayed this way and that for some distance and then the cycling pace b...
“Papa is never going to come back, right”? “Papa is never going to come back, right”?
Bihari went around the whole village with the help of crutches but he never ventured an Bihari went around the whole village with the help of crutches but he never vent...