I Don't Take Tips
I Don't Take Tips

I raised my hand, the taxi stopped.
“Good Morning,” I told the driver” Excuse me, I do not want to go too far. Just up to Samotechnaya junction. But I am in a little hurry….”
“Go wherever you wish. Please take your seat,” he said
After five minutes we stopped. The meter showed 49 kopeks. I took out a 50 kopek coin, from the pocket, and placed it before him.
“I am sorry, I don’t have one kopek.” the driver said apologetically.
“ Don’t bother?” I said smiling.
“No, no” the driver retorted.”How can this be? I never take tips, Sir”
“I am pleased to hear this. But what to do now?” I smiled.
“There is a shop selling cigarette at the corner. We may get change there,” the driver told.
But see my luck. The left turn was not allowed. Therefore, we took the right turn. Then we remembered that it was one-way traffic. So finally, when we reached the shop-selling cigarette it was closed, as it was lunchtime. Now the meter showed 97 kopeks.
“There is no change, “the driver said shyly.” And I don’t take tips.”
“OK, take me a little further to make up to exactly one rouble.”
We went thirty yards further and the meter started to show exactly one rouble. “Stop, I will get down here”. I shouted.
“Excuse me, the taxi cannot be stopped here. Don’t you see that signb
oard.” the driver was telling.
"So turn off the meter." “That is against the rule”, the driver said - "When the passenger is in, the meter has to be kept on."
When we reached a place where the taxi could be stopped, the meter showed one rouble and twenty kopeks.
Ah came out of my mouth.
"Don't worry," the driver consoled me - "We will find away." There is a Post Office Savings Bank near Kiev Railway Station. A friend of mine works there. She will give us a change.'
The car started moving forward. But due to our bad luck, the Savings Bank of the Kiev Railway station was closed - it was a lunch break. We ran towards Kursk station. The driver took two more passengers for my company. At Kursk station, luck favored us. The Saving Bank there was closed, but the meter showed exactly three roubles. I placed a currency of three roubles in the driver's hand. He stuffed it inside his purse and lowered the meter.
“I am extremely sorry that it happened like this with you today”, he said,” But I never take a single kopek from passengers as a tip.”
“This is a good practice.” I told.”But how to reach Samotechnaya junction now?”
“I shall drop you there, Sir,” the driver said starting the meter. In five minutes we reached Semotochnaya junction. The meter was showing exactly 39 kopeks