Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Comedy Fantasy


Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Comedy Fantasy

Pony: The Unicorn

Pony: The Unicorn

5 mins

Pony was a beautiful unicorn who lived in Unicorn world. Everyone in the unicorn world loved him as he was one of the youngest and intelligent and helpful unicorn of their world. Pony was everyone's favourite and mostly of his parents. He was very happy in Unicorn World.

One day, Pony went to Professor Don: the only human of unicorn world who helped all unicorns to make their own world, and a conversation between Pony and Professor started as follows: 

Pony: Hello! Professor Don.

Professor: Hi.. Pony! How're you doing?

Pony: Great! Professor I wanted to ask you something. Can I ask?

Professor: Sure!

Pony: You're the only human of our world and you're so good! So, all the humans are good?

Professor: Yes! Humans are very good but some people are greedy.

Pony: Greedy?

Professor: Yes! Some people kill or cage some animals who are rare, just like your species: The Unicorn Species.

Pony: And you helped us make our own world.. Thanks Professor! But I've heard a lot about human world. Everyone says that human world is very pretty.

Professor: Yes! It is.

Pony: Professor please can you send me to human world? I want to see the people and the world of humans. Please!

Professor: Pony, try to understand, the human world isn't safe for you! If someone catches you then they'll kill or cage you and keep you in a museum.

Pony: Please professor, I don't care what they do, Please!!

Professor: Fine! Come with me.

 Professor Don takes Pony to a machine and says:

 Professor: Pony! Go inside this machine and say where you want to go, It will take you there but remember take this switch with you whenever you feel to return to Unicorn world just press this switch and you'll return here, Understood?

 Pony: Yes Professor.

 Saying this Pony leaves for Human World. He says he wants to go to human world and Bingo! He reaches Human World. Pony sees the beauty of human world. The nature of human world.

 Pony(to himself): So beautiful! Human world is pretty.

 Pony walks a bit and soon he starts to feel claustrophobic because of pollution in human world. Unicorn world had very fresh air and Pony was mean to it. But human world's air was so polluted that pony started having breathing problems. 

 Pony ( to himself): The air here is very dirty, I think people don't take care of their world, So sad! But now I want to return to my world, I can't stay here!!

Saying this Pony started searching for the switch which Professor Don gave him but wait! He was unable to find it!! Pony lost the switch. Pony started crying and screaming for his parents. He was ashamed. Pony thought, " What to do now?" He walked a bit and saw some children playing football. He started to observe how they play the game because in his land there wasn't any game like that! He went to them and asked their names. The children were shocked, they screamed with fun, " Unicorn"!!!!!! Pony asked them not to scream otherwise humans will kill him. The children agreed and introduced themselves to Pony, there were five children namely: Alaska, Kenny, Jack, Gemini and John. Pony also introduced himself to the children. The children asked Pony to play with them and Pony agreed, he started playing with the children. Jack with all his might kicked the football and it rolled and rolled till a No Entry area. Alaska ran behind the ball to get it and she didn't saw the no entry board and entered in that area, construction was going on there, but it was a lunch break for all the workers so there was no one to stop her. She ran and ran and unknowingly fell in a deep hole. When after a very long time, Alaska didn't came, the children and Pony began to worry and went in the same direction as Alaska went to find her. Alaska was crying, Pony heard that and with all the children reached Alaska. Everyone saw that Alaska has fell in a very deep hole, "How to get her out" ? Everyone shouted. Now, Pony came in action, with his magical wings he flied deep in the hole and reached Alaska and asked her to sit on him. Alaska done the same. And guess what? Alaska was now safe, giggling with her friends. Everyone thanked Pony a lot. The children and Pony became best friends. They talked about their families, their hobbies and Pony also told his new friends about his Unicorn World and invited them to visit his world. But then Pony remembered that he himself also now cannot go to his world because he lost his switch, he was very sad but his new friends said him not to worry, he can live with his new friends. Hearing this Pony was in tears. Suddenly, Pony saw someone coming to him and who was he? Yes! Professor Don!!!! Pony screamed, " Professor!!!" 

Professor: Yes, I'm your Professor.

Pony: But how're you here? And sorry professor I lost the switch.

Professor: I knew it! But now I'm here and I'm proud of you, Pony!

Pony: Why?

Professor: Because I knew you are very naughty and you will lose the switch and that's why I was watching everything what was happening here. I know you helped this little girl Alaska! Really, Pony you're the most helpful unicorn of our world.

Saying this professor gave a big hug to Pony and Pony introduced Professor Don to his new friends. Both invited the children to Unicorn World and for some time they took the children to Unicorn World. The children enjoyed a lot there and Professor Don gave the children a locket and said, " Whenever you all want to come here, you can come with the help of this locket, just touching it and saying Unicorn World, but don't tell any human about our world otherwise they'll not allow us to live freely." Now, Pony and his new friends started playing in Unicorn World and Pony said, " You all are my bestest best friends." Hearing Pony's English, everyone giggled. 

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