Mahin Qureshi



Mahin Qureshi


Exam Diaries II

Exam Diaries II

2 mins

So, I'm back! Our class tests are over! The exams went smooth. The exams were of 20 marks each so, there wasn't any burden! Let me share my exam experience! 

09-01-2023: English Exam! The exam was really easy and I don't think I made any mistake! 

10-01-2023: Hindi Exam... The paper was nice. I enjoyed very much.

11-01-2023: It was a study leave.

12-01-2023: Mathematics Paper! I like maths very much and thus the paper went smooth like butter!

13-01-2023: Marathi Exam! Much to our anticipation, the paper was really easy! But still, I think the teacher will cut marks in Personal Response!

16-01-2023: Science paper! Yay! My most favourite subject! How could I get any answer wrong in Science if the paper was soo easy!

17-01-2023: History and Civics examination! The teacher makes questions from nowhere! Like really, we have to read the books so precisely that she can ask anything.. but anyways, the paper wasn't tough!


Geography! Paper was like really simple. No words!

19-01-2023: Computer! Last! But, I think I did really well and deserve full marks! 

So, papers were easy -peasy... Now, teachers began showing papers slowly. So, these were the marks that I got:-

English: 19 ½/20...(20/20) I was satisfied!

Hindi: 19 ½/20...(20/20) Same as English! Was pretty happy!

Marathi: 19/20... I knew the teacher will cut marks in Personal Response and she did! Lost ½ mark each in the two Personal Response questions!

Mathematics: 20/20... No doubt! I guess I had predicted it earlier too!

Science: 20/20... Undoubtedly!

History and Civics: 20/20... The paper paper really easy though!

Geography: 20/20... I knew it!

Computer: 20/20.. Yay! 

So, these were my marks and my class tests diaries. Now, preparations begin for Finals! So, we'll meet next in my upcoming story! And.... Next part of this series after my Final Exam Results!

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