Aryan Sharma



Aryan Sharma


Life Through The Eyes of Coronavirus - Part 1.

Life Through The Eyes of Coronavirus - Part 1.

5 mins

Hello, world!

My name is Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, SARS-NCov, or simply, Corona.

I was born in a Bio-Tech facility in Wushuland, China. I was created by some humans whom I have already killed by now. ( hehe heh..)

I was there in my baby form (if you could call it that) along with other viruses, diseases, and plagues who had rocked the world in their youth but were now just common day-to-day diseases.

I was kept in a freezing test tube to keep me from multiplying and causing any infections. On my left, I was kept some of my failed versions and on my right, were some of my ancestors like The Black Death, which killed around 500 million people (absolutely legendary numbers by the way) during its run in the 16th century. Also, to my right was the legendary, wise, and old Tuberculosis which had set the benchmark for all our viruses out there trying to make a mark for ourselves.

So anyways, coming back to my introduction, I first opened my eyes on 13th September 2019 as part of a project called Operation Lee. I was in a top-secret biotech facility that was not known to many except for the few top officials in China. When I took birth, I was very weak and I was very similar to the common cold, the most common disease in the whole world (pretty sad, I know right!). But the scientists who created me saw my potential and did not discard me like the other versions of myself.

I was like a teacher’s pet (which is what I think you humans call someone eager to please their masters), ready to show my masters that I had the potential in me to take over the world and rock it to its core. When they did the first trials, I used all my effects and powers to my fullest to infect and kill the test subject with whom my masters tested me. When I had killed or almost killed the test subjects with over 90% efficiency, the masters were happy that their masters were happy and they finally put me in a special room reserved for the deadliest of all the viruses. My masters had not planned to release me until like many years later until I was their masterpiece and was literally impossible to kill except by the use of nuclear weapons, I think. But alas! It was not to be. Chapter 2: Escape and Life in China.

One day, as I was planning how I would rule over the world when I would be immortal (not exactly... But yeah, who cares!?). I was just doing that when I saw a poor man, presumably a farmer going by his looks, being brought in the room and I was taken out of the room for another test. By looking at the man, I thought,” This man is dead. He isn't going to survive me for more than an hour or so. But it wasn’t like that.”

That man

was built like an ox (I killed them as well, though much later on), and even though I used my powers to the fullest extent, that man there was not giving up. He was still breathing (although I tried to stop people from doing after this incident), even after like freaking 9-10 hours which was the most anyone had ever survived me. I now tried to disable his organs which helped him breathe, like his lungs and nose, etc. But after some time, when he's nervous system (great name, because it makes a person so nervous that his nervous system fails... poor joke, I know) started to fail, I became so happy that accelerated his death because hey! Even in the world of us viruses, there is a code of conduct which I think you humans call sportsmanship spirit.

That man was the only human to ever survive me for more than 3 hours, so I thought that as a form of courtesy, I would make his death quick and painless. That man died 2 hours later without having to suffer for long. I was happy but also sad that such a great man had been killed.


Now that the man had died, it was time to run some tests and take me back to the room where I would be perfected for world domination later on (my nucleus shivers at that thought, almost as if I am in ViruVen, the self-designated Hall of Fame and Heaven (that’s the human name I think) of the viruses. I imagined myself up there on the Viroble (the Round Table equivalent of the viruses) with The Black Death and TB. Coming back to how I escaped, I was still in the body of the man I had killed a few moments back when around 8 bats the size of around the average human forearm came down upon the group of people carrying me and my victim.  It was dark and the bats were hungry I suppose because they flew over the group and started to bite them. One of them flew over my victim in whose body I was still thriving and eager to dominate the world. It bit my victim right on his left wrist and somehow managed to find a blood vessel.In that vessel, I was there and wish the humans would do something to ward off the bats. But those scumbags were so scared of those bats that they dropped the dead body (what idiots, I KNOW RIGHT! They could handle a dead body with a freaking mutated virus but not common bats).  So anyways, the bat bit my victim’s hand and he got around 8ml of his blood of which around 200000 molecules of me were present. That bat then flew away from the scene toward his house (a tree, if you could call it a house) but before it could reach there, it fell unconscious and fell towards the earth.

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