Srinivas Cv



Srinivas Cv


Murder or Suicide

Murder or Suicide

10 mins

Real Lovers Point

The inspector was moving slowly, taking his own time. The constable was walking behind anxiously in quick steps. Out of nowhere, the inspector stopped in his steps. The inspector walked to a coconut stall on the path and brought one and started sipping coconut water through the straw. The constable was worried that important information might get lost if they reached the spot late. The inspector turned to the constable and signalled to mean, "Do you want one?". The constable nodded his head to signal a "No". 

Inspector laughed and replied, "Don't be in a hurry. The dead person is not going anywhere. You can catch him in time."

Constable laughed uncomfortably. After all, he was his boss, and he had a gun.

After finishing the coconut water, the inspector said, "You are new to this. I had been here in the mountain range for years. All the cases are the same, love failure and suicide", with a lot of conviction.

But the inspector does not know at that time there was a surprise waiting for him.

The lovers 

Rajesh tucked his white shirt and walked to the suicide point. He prayed one last time to god, "Oh almighty, give me one signal if you want to stop this", and looked around for any signal. None was coming. He was about to jump when he heard a lady's voice.

"Stop, don't jump".

"So, God is a woman after all", he thought, assuming this was a sign from god. 

"Thank you for giving me the signal, goddess. Help me", said Rajesh.

"Don't be stupid. Gods and goddesses are busy with real problems like if a man is circumcised or not and a woman has been loyal to her husband etc."

"Are you an angel then?" asked Rajesh.

"No, idiot. I am Sujatha. I also came here to suicide."

"You are committing suicide? I cannot believe it", said Rajesh without even trying to see where the lady was standing.

"Why else I am here? I want to die. I cannot face the world with my problems.", Sujatha replied.

"Nothing compared to mine", Rajesh announced in a loud voice.

"What problems do a boy have? Love failure?" asked Sujatha.

"Yes. But not just that simple", replied Rajesh.

Sujatha started laughing, "Ayyo, heartbreak is it?" Sujatha asked in a sarcastic tone.

Rajesh was not ready to take it that easy. He asked her, "So, why do you want to die? Did your boyfriend see you without make-up?" and started laughing.

"Whatever my problems are, they are bigger than yours", said Sujatha.

"Whatever it is. It has to do with love", declared Rajesh.

"But it is not that simple", replied Sujatha.

"Okay, I will tell you my problems, and you tell me yours. We can then decide who should die and who should not", Rajesh said to the girl.

The lovers in them decide to give an ear to other.

The good boy 

Rajesh started.

"I always did academically very well. To come top of the class means you ignore every distraction around you. I earned a job and started making a six-figure salary. Five years had passed by. I bought a house and almost paid off the loan. I almost achieved everything I wanted. But something was missing in my life. A void which I could not understand.

That was when all my friends started to get married. I decided it was time for me to get married to fill the void in my life. I head to my parents that night and told them I want to get married."

"Wow, that is good news", said my father.

"I was waiting for this day for so long", my mother said, wiping her tears.

I was on cloud nine. I was eagerly waiting for them to speak more. But they were silent for a minute and looking back at me to speak.

After some awkward glances, my mom asked, "Who is the girl?"

"What girl?" I asked back in surprise.

"Oh.....!" shrieked my mom loudly and started crying.

I had no clue why my mother was crying. I was waiting for her to stop crying and talk to me.

The reality is, I always thought my parents were going to find a girl for me. An arranged marriage, you see. But it was not going to be.

After a few minutes, after not succeding in consoling my mom, my father said, "We will accept. Bring the boy home. We want to meet him."

Sujatha started laughing upon hearing this. They thought they thought she tried to tell but could not complete it. 

Rajesh continued. 

 I asked them, "What boy?"

"You just said you are gay."

Sujatha continuing her laugh pointed to Rajesh and said, that, that.

"When?", I asked.

"When you said there was no girl."

"I never said that."

"Then who do you want to get married to?"

"Don't you want me to have an arranged marriage?", I asked.

My mom and dad started laughing uncontrollably.

After a few minutes, they stopped laughing and said, "We had a love marriage 25 years ago. Which means there is no chance of us going for anything traditional. You have to find a girl for yourself?"

I asked, "I have to find a girl?"

"A boy also is fine with us", replied my father.

My search for a girl has started. I went on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge.

I put all my bio-data, including my salary, house etc.

There were many matches. I paid thousands of rupees to talk to all of them. 

"Then, you should have found someone", declared Sujatha.

"No. I found girls who liked video calls or oyo visits than finding a partner."

"Yeah. Those dating sites are filled with 99% fraud people", said Sujatha.

I tried connecting with someone in the office. But all the girls my age have boyfriends or are already married. I could not chat with anyone younger than me. After all, I was their boss, and I was worried about being a story on hashtag MeToo.

But I did not give up. I registered myself on matrimony sites. I sent interest to a few girls' parents. One girl replied, and we started chatting. She agreed to marry me. We dated for some time. After nine months and many lakhs later, my mom handed a picture to me. 

"What picture?" asked Sujatha.

My mom had some suspicion after I started to spend too much money. She employed a detective to follow me. 

"Parents are always bad people", declared Sujatha.

The picture was the family of the girl. She was married and had two kids before we met. She was using me as her husband lost his job during Covid. After learning this I understood why she did not want me to meet their family. 


at did you do then?" asked Sujatha.

I helped her husband to get a job in my office.

You should die alone Sujatha thought to herself.

I gave up on girls and went onto men's dating sites. The first week I met all the married men. The second week, I met thirtyeen unmarried virgin boys. The less I talk about them, is best for both of us.

But I made a lot of good friends, single men like me. I got a lot of ideas for dating from them. 

"Did they work?" asked Sujatha in a hurry.

If they work, why be on Grindr chatting with me?

I convinced myself the good boys come last, concluded Rajesh.

The Good Girl

"That was sad. But let me tell you my story", Sujatha Started.

My father is a maths professor.

"That is tough, but no one dies because they are bad in maths", said Rajesh.

"Let me tell the story", shouted Sujatha and continued.

"I won the maths olympiad from my school." 

"So you are a brainiac ugly one and no one is in love with you", declared Rajesh"

"Shut up. Let me tell my story", said Sujatha and continued.

"I was ecstatic. That day was special for me. I proudly said to my father, I won the Olympiad. That same day a boy said he was in love with me. I don't exactly remember if the day was so good or something else, but I said yes to him.

Many days we were in love. Late, on my birthday he bought me a gift. 

Sujatha said and could not continue. Rajesh thought that guy gave some bad gift. May be something like a razor or veet. But he dared not guess instead asked her, "What gift?"

Not a book, not an academic paper, but a make-up kit. The moment I saw it, I was disappointed. 

How dare a man gives a woman a make-up kit. Don't the man know the woman of this generation supposed to be ugly to be considered important, Rajesh thought to himself.

Sujatha continued. 

I thought he loved me because I was an intelligent and strong girl. He lost to me in the Olympiad. But he was only interested in my beauty. Every time I recollect that I cry. He spoiled the biggest and the first victory of my life.

I ignored all the boys' rest of my academics. I completed my PhD and joined the pharmaceutical industry as a scientist. We had a lead scientist who was a mentor for me and a few other young scientists. I was making path-breaking discoveries. Our team did miracles during Covid time. My research lead was always in praise for me. I was on cloud nine until one fateful day. The lead scientist gave me a present."

What did this guy give? A deodorant for bad odour? Rajesh thought for himself but he dare not ask.

 He gave me a diamond necklace. The box had diamonds the girl's best friend.

Rajesh, until then, did not turn around to see the girl. Suddenly he got eager to know how beautiful Sujatha was.

Sujatha continued, "However intelligent a girl can be. She could be academically inclined, a professor, or a doctor. The men measure The girl's value only by her beauty. I cannot live like this where no one really cares for me as me", Sujatha concluded.

Men will be men.

After a lot of waiting, Rajesh turned and saw Sujatha. She was gorgeous or at least he felt so. After all, he was desperate for any girl. 

Rajesh thought to himself. "God sent this beautiful and brainy Sujatha for him. He decided he should stop her from committing suicide first. Second, he should make her fall in love with him. All the while being very careful and using her story without her knowing it."

Rajesh said, "No, Sujatha. You cannot think like that. A person like you should change the world to think better" and started to walk closer to her.

The angry expressions on Sujatha's face started to change. Very soon she started to tear up. 

Rajesh all these days thought all the tips from Grindr were of no use. But now they are helping him. 

"I hate that no one treat woman for their brains. All they see is only beauty", he said, hugging and consoling her. 

Sujatha felt comfortable and safe and she rested her head on Rajesh's shoulder.

Then he remembered some brilliant advice his friend gave him. Rajesh thought after using that there was no way of him failing with Sujatha. 

But fate had something else in store for him.

Case closed

Inspector walked to the edge of the mountain and saw the spot. He could see Rajesh's body from the top. The tucket shirt was intact but the rest of the body was not so much. 

He then saw Sujatha. She was standing a little away from the spot and was crying inconsolably. 

He turned to the constable and said, "This is why I call this point the lovers point. Because lovers only come here to die."

He then walked to Sujatha and asked, "What happened?"

Sujatha told him how Rajesh came there to commit suicide. 

"Then what happened?" asked the inspector.

"I thought this guy looks like a decent guy."


"Then he said something I never expected."

"What is that?"

"He said I am not beautiful. If anything, I look like a brainiac student. So, I pushed him off, and he fell and died."

"What?" exclaimed the constable.

"I understand him calling me not beautiful. But how can he call me brainiac? Do I look that ugly to be called a brainiac? "

The constable had nothing to ask more and he was stuck with his mouth wide open.

Inspector ignored all this and just started to walk away from the spot. The constable came to consciousness and started to panic.

"Sir, why are you leaving?" asked the surprised constable.

"The case is closed. There is nothing more to do", replied the inspector.

"So, I arrest the girl for murder?"

"Are you stupid? This is clearly a case of suicide."

"What do you mean?"

"A man who wants to live will never tell a girl she is not beautiful or she looks intelligent", replied the inspector.

"Sir, but", the constable tried saying something.

The story is simple. He came here to die. He kind of got cold feet. He called the girl ugly in hopes that the girl will get angry and push him. That is exactly what happened", said the inspector closing the case.

P.S: The advice from the friend was to tell the girl what she wants to hear. Even if it is not true to make her happy.

P.s. P.s. Compiled from real-life stories.

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