Adhithya Sakthivel

Classics Action Drama Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Classics Action Drama Others



22 mins

Note: This story is a sequel to KGF: Chapter 1, dealing with the aftermath of the events, that have happened in the first chapter. The action sequences and some part of events taking place is one of the major highlights of this story.

Vikram Ingalagi has narrated the events, that have happened in Kolar Gold Fields, ranging from the period of 1950 to 1979 depicting the life of RAW Agent Karthick Ingalagi and deeply moved by this Pooja Hegde now asked Vikram, "What about Chapter 2 sir?"

Laughing, Vikram said: "It has started with the entry of Kuberan to the KGF."


After killing Ravana, Harbhajan Singh ordered the Army to finish off the remaining KGF Associates, excluding Guberan from the list. As ordered, Indian Army killed the associates of KGF, by holding them captive.

If we are living only to have endless strife within ourselves and with others, if our desire is to perpetuate bloodshed and misery, then there must be more soldiers, more politicians and more enmity- which is what is actually happening. Tamil Laborer in the KGF field fulfilled their so many years of anger and vengeance by brutally murdering Ravana's henchman with knife and other weapons, that they got in their hands, thus turning the whole place into bloodsheds.

Most of us are consumed by all sorts of fears, and are greatly concerned about our own security. We hope that, by some miracle, wars will come to an end, all the while accusing other national groups of being the instigators of war, as they in turn blame us for the disaster. Here, none were blamed nor the war hasn't stopped. War for power and greed continued in KGF, after the entry of Guberan.

Guberan is now powerful and stronger than before. Since, Harbhajan Singh and his party members have helped him to raise up by giving a post as an MLA, with a hidden agenda in their mind, which Karthick doesn't know.

For Karthick, "he has to save KGF from the clutches of gangsters and his only motive is to eliminate them all at once and for all." Knowing the struggles of Tamil laborers, he decides to make their lives better and with the help of some of his friends and people, he started to develop roads, transportation and houses for the people.

Unlike Ravana, he didn't treat the people as slaves and instead, treated the elderly people and children as employees. Though there is a higher and wider significance to life, of what value is our education if we never discover it? We may be highly educated, but if we are without deep integration of thought and feeling, our lives are incomplete, contradictory and torn with many fears; and as long as education does not cultivate an integrated outlook on life, it has very little significance. Realizing this, Karthick resigned his work as an RAW agent and eventually, started to analyze the problems, faced by villages and places similar to Kolar Gold Fields.

With his authority and intelligence, he brought in few educationalists and people, who can give advise and idea for training children. With those people's help, he built up schools for the children to educate them, upon realizing the importance of education and schooling for them. This is also to ensure that, "Child Labor is avoided from here onwards for the children, below 13 to 12 years."

In our present civilization, we have divided life into so many departments that education has very little meaning, except in learning a particular technique or profession. But, during our periods of 1970's and 80's, we have learnt a lots of profession and technique, in order to survive the world. From repairing a vehicle to cooking on our own. The same way, Karthick introduced to these children. He educated them with a lots of books and other things, to his best to develop their IQ level and to make them best.

At this time only, Guberan decided to step into the fields of KGF. This time, Pulkit Surana, who too wanted to attack the Kolar Gold Fields, joined hands with Guberan. They met Karthick, who had been running a school for the children.

"RAW Agent Karthick. No no, ex-RAW agent Karthick" said Pulkit Surana and Guberan, to which one of his army friends Inyat Ahmed Khallel came forward telling, "Hey." But, Karthick stopped him and said, "What you want Mr. Guberan, Raavanan's elder brother? And you are Pulkit, from Jaisalmer?"

"Even when you are an ex-RAW agent, you still didn't forget our details. Great. And I think, you very well know why have we came here!" said Gubrean, to which Karthick replied: "Well. I know, you people wanted to rule KGF. But, until I am alive no one can conquer KGF fields. Because, powerful people make places powerful."

With some laughter, Pulkit said: "Ok. Will meet you soon man. Bye." When going along with Guberan, Pulkit asked him: "Why should we meet him sir? We can kill him and attack on KGF right?"

Staring at him, Guberan said: "The more irresponsible we are in these matters, the more the State takes over all responsibility. We are confronted, not with a political crisis, but with a crisis of human deterioration which no political party or economic system can avert. So, we have to wait like and trap the king, at right point of time." Karthick decides to be alert and concerned, as he suspects the hidden agenda of Guberan and Pulkit to attack KGF.

Guberan meets Harbhajan Singh and confronts him asking: "Are you playing double game with me sir? You told me, Ravanan would die and I can conquer KGF. But, that RAW agent have took charge of the fields. What's happening here?"

Harbhajan Singh instigates about this to Karthick's senior Sunil and learned that, "Karthick have resigned his job as a RAW agent and turned as a rebellion and revolutionist."

Laughing, Harbhajan said: "As we make one plan, god makes another plan, I think. I formed Operation KGF to eliminate Ravana and the other associates, so that we can conquer the place and make the people as employees, using them for mining purpose and making them a fool forever. But, here our own people have turned against us. Ok. Let's wait and act." Pulkit warns him to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Pooja Hegde now asked him: "Sir. I can't believe this. How can our Indian Prime Minister stage a plan like this to make another guy, conquer KGF?"

Laughing, Vikram replied: "Greed for power and greed for money is the route cause of all evils in the society. Likewise, he too felt the greed for gold and that's why, have made Guberan a politician and in addition, made Raghava Pandian to lose the state elections. He used Karthick's personal life story to conquer the KGF."

The expansion and predominance of sensate values necessarily creates the poison of nationalism, of economic frontiers, sovereign governments and the patriotic spirit, all of which excludes man's cooperation with man and corrupts human relationship, which is society. Society is the relationship between you and another; and without deeply understanding the relationship, not at any one level, but integrally, as a total process, we are bound to create again the same kind of social structure, however superficially modified. Karthick's ideologies and plans to reform the society of KGF sooner increased the number of rivalries for him. Among them are Raghava Pandian, Guberan, Pulkit Surana and Prime Minister Harbhajan Singh.

If we are to change radically our present human relationship, which has brought untold misery to the world, our only and one immediate task is to transform ourselves through self-knowledge. So we come back to the central point, which is oneself; but we dodge that point and shift the responsibility on to government, religions and ideologies. The government is what we are, religions and ideologies are but a projection of ourselves; and until we change fundamentally there cannot be an existence of peaceful world.

27 MARCH 1980:

On 27 March 1980, Karthick and Yashika's marriage was fixed with the support of her father Surendra Sharma, who have joined the revolutionary mission of Karthick, supporting him by training up the students, who wanted to be a patriotic to the society. Seeking this as an right opportunity to attack the KGF, Harbhajan Singh orders the Central Reserve Police Force to go and attack the KGF field's laborer and children, without sparing anyone, even if they are woman or children.

Simultaneously, Raghava Pandian and Guberan's henchman also goes inside the fields, attacking the Tamil laborers brutally. During British's rule, Subash Chandra Bose sir said: "Give me blood, I will give you freedom." But, in KGF, those CRPF forces raped 14-15 years aged girls, young woman and beheaded Tamil people brutally.

The whole place of KGF turned into a bloodshed, with blood rivers, flowing all over. One of the Tamil laborers in KGF managed to escape from there and as Karthick ties his knot to Yashika, he ran to the marriage hall in Antara Garage of Kolar district.

Informing the events that have happened in the fields with tears and blood all over his body, he dies there, fighting for his life. Angered and deeply disturbed by hearing that, "Even elderly aged people and small people weren't spared, Karthick got angry and he stepped into the house of Raghava Pandian."

With the help of Surendra Sharma, he took LAW-80 weapon. Not only LAW-80, even AK-47, Dragunov and other guns were prepared by them inside a secret underground camp of Karthick's newly built house near Kolar. With them, he goes inside the house of Raghava Pandian. As a few security forces approached him with the henchman on the other hand, Karthick took guns in his both hands and brutally finished them off all.

Going inside the room of Raghava Pandian, he beats him up to a pulp and tells, "We want a little reform here and there, but most of us are afraid to tear down the present society and build a completely new structure, for this would require a radical transformation of ourselves. That could happen, only when I finish off cruel and corrupt people like you da." Grabbing a nearby sword, Karthick brutally beheaded Raghava Pandian and stabbed his body multiple times, until Surendra Sharma came in to control and calm him down.


Meanwhile, when Vikram Ingalagi is explaining these events, he suddenly faints, due to heart attack. Panic-stricken, Pooja Hegde and the team admits him in the hospitals. During the time, she asked the TV channel owner, "Sir. Now who could explain the events of KGF? He have suffered a heart attack."

The TV Channel owner replied, "There's one person Pooja. He have co-written the book From Jaisalmer to KGF."

"Who is he sir? Let's bring him to this. I don't care about the time, it takes." Pooja Hegde asked to which, the TV Channel owner replied: "He is none other than Aravinth Ingalagi, Vikram Ingalagi's younger brother."

The TV Channel owner calls Aravinth Ingalagi, who comes by wearing coat-suits and pants, similar to Vikram Ingalagi. He is having a similar hairstyle of Vikram, with only dissimilarities with their face. Coming inside and sitting in the same seat of Vikram Ingalagi, Pooja Hegde asked him, "Are you Vikram Ingalagi's younger brother sir?"

"Yes Pooja Hegde. I am his younger brother. I very well know about his health condition. Before coming here, he told me to tell about the rest of events, happened in KGF."

Drinking a few amount of water, Pooja Hegde asked him: "Ok. What happened in further? After the death of Raghava Pandian, what did your hero Karthick did?"

Wearing his spectacles, Aravinth Ingalagi gave her a paper, asking to read: "Able to read this?"

"I have been reckless, but I'm not a rebel without a cause. There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Other words have been burned sir" said Pooja Hegde, to which Aravinth Ingalagi said: "Always be yourself and rebel against what people tell you should be and be whatever you want to."

20 APRIL 1980-1988:

As Raghava Pandian was brutally killed by Karthick Ingalagi, Harbhajan Singh felt threatened and feared, "all his plans to conquer the KGF fields and his relationship with Guberan could come into the light of people, who have voted for him and had a huge respect for him." From 1980 to the periods of 1985, there were widespread conflicts and violent fights in the field of KGF.

Helming Guberan to be solely responsible for the rape and murder of Tamil Laborer, he however learned from Sunil Sharma that: "It was Prime Minister Harbhajan Singh, who drafted each and every plan to capture KGF. Their main motive to form Operation KGF was not to save Tamil laborer. But, to mine the gold for their own causes and to maintain their greed for power and money, they had further plans to fool people."

Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, Karthick goes mad. Shouting and feeling remorseful, he started to throw materials and products, breaking it in the process, due to his anger, watched by his wife Yashika and his uncle Surendra Sharma.

"Karthick. What are you doing? Are you mad?" Surendra asked him, after which he comes back to his senses and he tells them both: "More than gangsters, politicians are the one, being even more dangerous uncle. I blindly believed their cause to be good and did a big mistake. Now, I am repenting for it uncle."

Holding his hands, Yashika tells him: "Why should you repent Karthi? This is a bitter fact, that you have to accept da. It's happening all over the world. There are those who seek to bring about a violent revolution and among those are these politicians, as told by you, are more dangerous than the gangsters, whom you have killed. Having helped to build the existing social order with all its conflicts, confusion and misery, they now desire to organize a perfect society. But, it's not possible for them to do so. However, any of us can organize a perfect society. To believe that peace can be achieved through violence is to sacrifice for the future ideal; and this seeking of a right end through wrong means is one of the causes of the present disaster." Karthick decides to take the words of Yashika and sits in the room, thinking about it. But, immediately changes his mind upon remembering the promise to his father Rathnavel Ingalagi's words, during his childhood days: "I would achieve something before dying."

8:30 PM:

Around 8:30 PM Karthik tried to go out and meet his security forces, Yashika suddenly comes inside his room, closing the door. Karthick asked her: "Why are you closing the door, darling?"

"To romance with you only, Karthi dear" says Yashika, who have wore a beautiful sari, with necklace, all over her neck and bangles in both of her hands. With her beautiful and moving eyes, she seduces Karthi, who looks at her eyes and gives her a lip kiss. Holding her hip and leaning his hands over her hair, he slowly removed his dresses and went on to undo her dresses, like sculpting a statute. Inside a bed sheets in their bed, they both make love and sleeps together in a blanket, the whole night. Karthick holds Yashika in his arms, as she sleeps peacefully and kisses her forehead.

4:30 AM:

As they are sleeping peacefully, Pulkit's henchman and Gubrean's CRPF force meanwhile creates a havoc in the locality of KGF, where they creates another massacre and burns the house of Tamil laborers. This time, killing several innocent people by throwing grenades, bombs and placing a Proximity Mine, which blasts immediately, when people steps their leg in it. Karthick is informed about the insecurity in the place and he rushes to find out even more people died in a massacre. Totally angered and dejected, he meets Pulkit Surana face to face this time in the borders of Kolar-Bangalore. Watched by people from Bangalore and Kolar districts, he subdues Pulkit's henchman brutally and takes Pulkit to KGF fields, where he dragged him to the idol of Lord Shiva, having overpowered him.

Already Pulkit was bleeding heavily due to the severe beatings by Karthick and his henchman. Now, he takes the spear of Lord Shiva and watching this Pulkit pleaded asking him: "Karthick. Please don't do anything. Kindly spare me. I would go away to some place, far away."

Without any mercy in his eyes, an angry Karthick came near to him, stamping Pulkit's hands, who cried out in pain and said, "Your henchman raped innocent children and killed many people brutally, along with CRPF forces. How can I spare your life? You should suffer the pain of those innocent laborers right?" He took the spear and stabbed Pulkit's lap. Seeing him crying, he asked him: "Like this only, those people could have cried in pain right?" Now, he chopped off Pulkit's hands by stabbing his hands, all over. The blood flows out and finally, Pulkit is stabbed in the chest. Shaking his legs and struggling to breathe by turning his head here and there, he dies, with his eyes looking at Lord Shiva. With his anger coming down to some extent, Karthick throws away Pulkit's body near to the house of Gubera, with a note stating: "Get ready to face your death Gubera."

YEARS LATER, 1987 -1988:

Gubera is angered as well as feels threatened having seen the note. He henceforth meets Harbhajan Singh in 1987 April at New Delhi, where he begs him for supporting him saying: "Sir. Karthick is another and still greater disaster approaching dangerously close, and most of us are doing nothing whatever about it. Already Raghava Pandian and Pulkit Surana are killed. Now, I am targeted. The building is crumbling, the walls are giving way, and fire is destroying it. We must leave the building and start on new ground."

However, Singh hearing all these things replied him stating: "We cannot discard these things. Because, it's all a fact. However, we can still more fight back our enemies with our ugliness, our ruthlessness, our deceptions and dishonesty. Also our utter lack of love is another highlight to attack this society." Singh devises a plan to Guberan, telling him to meet Karthick face to face, with his henchman, which he accepts and gets the flowchart, prepared by Singh.

Karthick is met by Guberan face to face near Kolar Gold Fields. Karthick is supported by Tamil Laborers, who have decided to die for him by fighting Guberan's man. Since, it was Karthick, who provided them good house, social reform and education for the children, further training them to be patriotic. Karthick's wife Yashika also joins him along with Surendra Sharma to face Guberan.

In the ensuing fights between these two groups, most of Guberan's henchman are killed by Tamil Laborers, who takes Kerosene, petrol and knife in their hands to attack them. Some of them are even burnt alive. While, Karthick removes his shirt and sees Guberan face to face, telling him: "Peace is not achieved through patchwork reform, nor by a mere rearrangement of old ideas and supervisions. There can be peace only when we understand what lies beyond the superficial, and thereby stop this wave of destruction which has been unleashed by our own aggressiveness and fears; and only then will there be hope for our future generation and salvation for the world da."

Guberan tells: "Only violence continues to happen, whatever reform that you try to bring in the society da. Let's see each other today da. I am not from someone in a coward family. Me too is a great fighter. Come da." Removing his shirts, he too runs to fight with Karthick.

Surrounded by the dark atmosphere on one side and Lord Shiva to the left side, Karthick goes near to Lord Shiva. He applies sandalwood all over his body along with the saffron. As Guberan ran towards him, his eyes turned red. Raising up his hands, Karthick hits Guberan's abdomen, as he came forward. As he fell down, a sudden thunder storm is heard in the sky. Rains started to downpour heavily in the Kolar district. People rejoice the rain and at the same time, Tamil laborer inside the fields, beheaded Guberan's henchman.

While, Karthick continues to fight with Guberan. The nearby sword in the gold fields was grabbed and placed by Karthick in front of Lord Shiva, whom he worships. Looking at Guberan, he jumps at him. Searching for nearby sword, he runs and unsheathes a sword from one of the laborers. He tries to kill Karthick by stabbing him. However, Karthick subdues him.

Knowing that he cannot survive no more and would anyhow die in the hands of Karthick, Guberan decides to kill Yashika and Surendra Sharma at first. So, he runs towards them, chases by Karthick and brutally stabbed Surendra Sharma, who dies in Yashika and Karthick's arms. Deeming Karthick to be weaker, Guberan overpowers him, further holding Yashika captive in his hands, who tries to motivate Karthick to get up.

At this point of time, Indian army suddenly enters inside the fields, supported by Colonel Sunil, who shoots down Guberan to death and saves Yashika. She hugs Karthick, rejoicing in happiness.


"So, your hero Karthick succeeded in saving Tamil Laborers as well as in killing the evils of the society. Am I right sir?" asked Pooja Hegde to which, Aravinth Ingalagi laughed and replied, "As long as Greed is stronger than Compassion, there will always be suffering, Hegde. Karthick succeeded in killing the evils of the society, as well as saving the laborers and abolition slavery. But, wasn't successful in realizing the game of politics."

American Civil War was fought between black and white people due to the problem of slavery. Sri Lankan Civil War was fought due to the differences in language. Cold War was fought between Iran and Afghanistan due to increasing feuds between the countries of America and Soviet Union. The same happened here too. Greed for money and power have became the route cause of all the evils in the society, that's evident in the violent conflicts and political war. In moments of sorrow, we turn to what we call God, which is but an image of our own minds, or we find gratifying explanations, and this gives us temporary comfort. For a war, it should either have a good or tragic ending. Here, though Indian Army came to save Karthick, they were ordered to kill Karthick, Yashika and rescue rest of the Tamil Laborers by Harbhajan Singh.

Yashika gets killed by Guberan's henchman, who escaped from one of the Tamil Laborers and hid at the other side of the fields. He did it as a means of revenge for Guberan's death and in turn, gets killed by Sunil.

Sunil informs to Karthick about the death warrant issued against him by Harbhajan Singh and have further informed that, "His history or life career shouldn't be read by anyone in the future." Smiling, Karthick surrendered himself to the Indian Army, addressing to the Tamil Laborer, "not to worry about his arrest and motivating them to fight the way and stand their ground, when any problem approaches them."


Pooja Hegde now have a question in her mind and she asked Aravinth, "So, in this story, Karthick is neither a hero nor a villain. Am I right sir?"

"Even our Prime Minister character is not a villain. Almost, everyone had grey attitude. Karthick's motive was to achieve something in the society. So, he followed his own way of agenda. While, Guberan's agenda is to rule KGF and Harbhajan Singh's motive is to grab power and rule the country. So, I can't classify anyone here as the protagonist or antagonist" said Aravinth Ingalagi.

"Did Karthick survived in the end or died?" asked the TV Channel Owner, to which Aravinth replies: "He was hanged in the year 2001 sir. Despite been banned to read about his history, many people came to know about him in Karnataka through his ideologies, spread by a few Tamil Laborers sir."

"And, was intending to ask you. Who told you about the incidents in KGF actually?" asked Pooja Hegde to which, Aravinth Ingalagi thinks a while and says, "He was one of the revolutionist in Kolar Gold Fields. The security guard of Karthick Ingalagi's house. He said to me that, Karthick succeeded in his mission of doing something useful to the society, though he have died. That was the real highlight about his narration regarding the events, which happened in the KGF."

Following this, Pooja Hegde asked him, "What happened to the Kolar Gold Fields? It exists still more or been destroyed like Jaisalmer and El Dorado?"

"Once KGF was a fields of gold. But, it's now a dust bowl. The mines were shut in 2001 after the death of Karthick Ingalagi and has received neither electricity nor water regularly. There are barely any toilets and people can be seen defecating in the open. Hillocks of toxic residue, locally called cyanide waste ends up contaminating land, water and air, causing harm to the health of the local people. The government rules require the mine operator, which was a government company in this case, to restore the mine area. These norms have been ignored so far. However, the statue of Karthick is still prevalent in KGF. It hadn't been destroyed by anyone and people still more worships him as their god." Aravinth Ingalagi said to Pooja Hegde, who tells: "It's the game of politics, that we see even now sir. We are exploited in the name of god, as we are exploited in the name of parties and ideologies- and we go on suffering."

Smiling, Aravinth Ingalagi gets up and as he is going, the TV channel owner thanked him. Before going, Aravinth Ingalagi requests the owner, not to telecast this video and while going, Vikam's doctor calls him and tells: "Sir. Vikram sir is now alright. You can come and see him now." He hangs the call and gets inside the car, watched by the TV Channel Owner and Pooja Hegde.


"What is essential for man, whether young or old, is to live fully, integrally, and that is why our major problem is the cultivation of that intelligence which brings integration. Undue emphasis on any part of our total makeup gives a partial and therefore distorted view of life and it is this distortion which is causing most of our difficulties. Any partial development of our whole temperament is bound to be disastrous both for ourselves and for society, and so it is really very important that we approach our human problems with an integrated point of view."

-J. Krishnamurthy sir (From Education and the Significance of Life)

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