

1 min

Why do you come to me at odd moments

And ditch me when I want to pen you down?

I pay little heed when you are energetic.

Is that why you do the same when I am?

Do you try bothering somebody else

Or do you die of less attention and timely rejection,

The way humans do?

At times you come back to me

And as I embrace you

So would the world!

Learn to be patient and forgiving.

That's where we can make a difference in this era!

I might forget your material

But you linger in my mind for long

And I miss you

Like how I miss my love!

Know that you are no less,

Drop your ego on the way you return

And appear the way you did the first time.

Carry no scars

For the world shows less sympathy

And is all time ready to criticise the average.

Come back to me,

Not because I yearn.

Come back to me,

Only if you feel it's right to!

I might choose over the clumsy reality again,

Over the beautiful melodrama you offer.

That's how the world and it's people work

Is a say of history and humans

And I am always frightened to take chances

However sure of your worth.

If you feel insecure with this coward,

Bother the bold ones.

The ones who listen to you

Amidst the pay-attention-here circumstances

And let me know you still live

For death has never been easy to digest!

With anger and hope,

Your x/to-be destination.

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