'Love', They Squawked!

'Love', They Squawked!

2 mins

I carried them,

With my tender fingers

Wrapped around the holder

Of their home

And placed them

On the side of open windows.

Sheer silence!

I jumped in excitement

Of having found a companion -

Two, to be particular -

Who went dumb

When subjected to the novel!

I kept talking with them

As they slowly got habituated.

I kept looking at them

As my heart quickly fell for their beauty.

Let the man preach more and more about

The beauty of inner beauty!

Let the eyes and heart get glued time and again

To the instantly catchy!

Painted blue all their body,

With black and white stripes on their back,

Eyes on either side of their yellow tinted beak

And behaviour, dynamic,

They swallowed my time pretty easily!

I stayed away from them

Giving them the privacy

They seemed to need.

They chirped loud at times

And I ran, to hear them, closer.

Before I could settle,

They would sense my coming

And turn a silent student

Hearing the steps of a strict teacher

That I

was not!

Days passed,

And they became familiar

To my footsteps.

We were then in talking terms

And I started shooting questions

That had stayed in my head

For long!

Their answers were mostly smart,

Some abrupt,

Owing to the dumbness of the question.

Their actions were all interpretable now,

As mine were to them!

As the questions got older in number,

My heart got lighter with the perception

Of solved riddles.

"One final sequence of wonders",

I said and continued,

"Don't you get bored all day?

What is your philosophy for life?

What makes the world go round for you?",

I watched them blink often

And their webbed feet clung

Tighter to the base,

As I completed.

Gently, one came closer to the other

Tilted its upper part of the body

And kissed!

One of the very few intimacies

I could appreciate!

They then squawked at me in anger -

At my slow-witted nature -

A very short one syllable squawk,


What else would Love birds impart!

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