I don't want to text you, I don't want to call you... I don't want to text you, I don't want to call you...
The religious activities that brings people closer, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai are all similar... The religious activities that brings people closer, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isa...
I still miss our togetherness which was before. I still miss our togetherness which was before.
Still............ I dare to dream, Because dreams come true.... Still............ I dare to dream, Because dreams come true....
Time flew, smiles shared, Moment of togetherness got us paired. Time flew, smiles shared, Moment of togetherness got us paired.
You close it saying, It’s not about You and me, It’s more about Silent we. You close it saying, It’s not about You and me, It’s more about Silent we.