Love-Nothing But A Dream
Love-Nothing But A Dream

I feel fatigued and exhausted from day to day work,
When last beam of sun goes away from earth,
All on a sudden a pleasant thought,
Like a Nightingale's chant,
Breaks the silence of my mind.
What's this? Tell me, please! Tell me, please!
Pungent hopes are weaving my soul,
In still water like dropping of a stone,
No! my mind cries with a thrashing,
Darkness has covered the sun arising,
Is it true? Tell me, please! Tell me, please!
Like a child in the bosom of my mother ,
In sleep, I play in the land of dream.
Sometimes enjoying the beauty of roaring sea.
Catching someone nearer to me
Who is she? Tell me, please! Tell me, please!
She may be an urban lash,
Heart of whom is bruished and battered,
By the black pearl of sobs and tears,
For dull role of making of world ,
Is it true? Tell me, please! Tell me, please!
Is there anybody there?
Who can tell what her heart contains,
Thinking of her depth of mind, I'm.
And crying for a single breath of air.
For she can't more a single step more.
Is it true? Tell me, please! Tell me, please!
What'er may be the real truth,
Like this; my mind never moved,
Though familiarity come time and again,
Her grey eyes never make shaken,
Am I digging the gloomy grave?
Saying this, please, make me safe.