The Wønder Pøets

Drama Tragedy Others


The Wønder Pøets

Drama Tragedy Others

Fear Of Falling Asleep

Fear Of Falling Asleep

1 min

This fear of falling asleep

I have acquired is abnormal

It surely associated with the fear of loneliness

I have to endure

For most people sleep is something they look forward to,

It used to be that way for me as well, but more recently this status has sadly changed,

The dreams I have are more of nightmares than dreams themselves,

They are now lively and realistic

I have woken up in cold sweats, tears

Or a deep deep sadness

For reasons, I am unsure of.

I was told to control my dreams,

But how? I asked.

I haven't had a good night's rest

For ages, I just want to sleep.

I yell at the top of my lungs.

Lungs need air, the body needs a brain, heart, blood, and all other organs to survive.

And I certainly need sleep

Will I ever sleep well again?

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