Just like a Flower
Just like a Flower

Our moms are like Sunflowers .
Their so bright and filled with light.
They bring such big smiles to our faces.
As if they know when we need them the most.
They are always there even when it's a down day.
A mother is a daughters best friend.
The best part about our moms is they can be our best friend and our mom at the same time.
Yet they will never know just how much of an impact they had o
r are having in our lives.
All the laughter, smiles and happy moments they have caused to become.
All the tears, bad days, and sadness they have stopped with the most delicate touch and words she would speak with her soothing voice.
And for one moment one shining moment they mean everything to us.
Just like a flower. Never really knowing how beautiful they are in appearance and in our lives.
But that does not stop us from loving them.