Vaishali Prakasan



Vaishali Prakasan


A Girl's Dream!

A Girl's Dream!

1 min

She emerges with little black curly hair, Carrying a warm smile;

Oh! It's a girl they say

To respect countrymen, she is taught, 

The household chores even, which is cherished ;

What not she does to make her sweet home a paradise! 

But restrictions are many thrust onto her; 

Henceforth, the discovery of her dream is buried within..

What if she wants to traverse the stratosphere beyond,

Than counting stars pull over the gear, pace with men along t

he countryside.                      

Explore world; hoist the flag on mountain peaks; from winning Olympic gold to sleepless frostbitten Kashmiri nights serving the nation. 

Dreams are many; but chasers forbidden.

Yet those angels are few who stood up, thereon were seen with pride and awe!  I pray thy, for the time when, 

A girl's Dream becomes nation's pride. 

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