The Wønder Pøets

Abstract Inspirational Others


The Wønder Pøets

Abstract Inspirational Others

We Bleed Øn Paper

We Bleed Øn Paper

2 mins

We are writers

We do you not cry in a physical sense our tears

Are put on thesis

We bleed on paper

We throw all of our emotion on one small blank sheet of monogram

And we turn it into a masterpiece

The role of a writer is not to write

What has already been said

But the thing we are unable to


All those emotions we can't say out loud

The things that really bother us

Maybe even stuff nobody wants to hear

Things you feel like you can't say

Or trust anybody with

That's Why we write

Not just so we can say

"I'm a writer"

But to be set free from the struggles and heartache in our lives

Because each and every one of us is going through something

And it might not be exactly what the other person is going through

But at some point in our lives

We have all struggled to live

And writing just makes it easier

For us as humans to express how we really feel

With little words spoken

And most of us have things that we don't feel completely 

comfortable having out in the open

So when we  feel that way

 instead of telling humans that might look down on us

 Or even judge us 

we put all of our emotions inside

A little notebook

And when we start to read over it

 It feels as if 

You don't need anyone

And you become less and less sad because you feel like someone, something understands

That something that holds all of your life struggles and all your stories

Your best and worst days.

And when you feel comfortable enough

To start showing pieces of your heart to those

Whom you trust

It feels exhilarating

I think that's why

There are so many poets

And writers

Out there

Because they just needed somewhere


To go to feel free to put all of their emotions

And it is such a relief

When to have all that pent-up for so long

And you can finally

 let it out

It is  one of

The greatest gift of all time

One thing I have learned over the years every story, poet, and writer is

Beautiful amazingly

And dont ever

 make them feel like they're not

 because if you don't like what they're writing that's fine

 but that's their heart

 and you should never make someone feel bad about what they feel 

because its art

It's their coping mechanism 

you should never make them feel  

as if with their words and what they feel and emotions don't count 

words written are a  hurricane of emotions

Because it captures a living life someone's happy moments and bad ones

And how they made it through in one piece.

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