Garima Bhardwaj



Garima Bhardwaj


The Curious Case of Missing Monday

The Curious Case of Missing Monday

1 min

It all started with a human wish

One of longing and of despair

How in moments of lethargy

We wanted just a quiet place

How we wanted tons of sleep

Of restful nights and peaceful days

Of quiet solace and lazy days

How we wanted those longer tea breaks

A little more time just to talk

A little more time just to wonder

A little something extra in the extraordinary

A little more than what we had

And yes, the prayers got answered at last

As if forgotten lore has come to life

You will get what you want but you will make a sacrifice

And thus all Mondays disappeared 

And with that, the world stopped on Sunday

And now though strange, we want the Mondays back

Because we only pine for what is not and then wish again for what is lost

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