The Realm Of A Story
The Realm Of A Story

You read fast only to be in gone a flash
You jump in the story with a guy with a mask
You jump in with all the characters
Your living in a world unable to be seen
Nothing can achieve this marvellous feat
No one but a book can create a magical world for you
Books push you into a world of fantasy
Whether you like or not all book will
They bring in the characters, the setting and so much more
You can imagine the twists and the turns
The masala and the spice
The fun and the excitement
Only a book can do this
The world it cre
ates is so realistic
Everything forms right before your eyes
The moment you stick your nose the in the book it will never come out
You become deaf to all those around you
You hear and see nothing but the characters and the sounds they make
You might scream loud
Or feel relaxation
You feel tired and joy
You live in the world of your favourite characters
You only support the character you like
You feel his emotions and his thoughts
Soon the book ends and your world breaks and collapses
You come out and your journey is over ...