Nikhil Maturi

Abstract Others


Nikhil Maturi

Abstract Others



1 min

Warms you up when you feel like you are in a hole

Makes you hot not wanting more

Makes you warm and comfy 

Making you stay more

It can be imagined as home 

It is nice and kind 

But too much is more than a fine 

Heat is cool while he makes you cool

When he starts to make you drool

You know he is not cool

He can heat your up like a convection oven or make you as cool as a pole 

Heat is worldwide saviour of none 

Worker to all 

He serves the people

Not himself

Some like his presence 

Others despise it 

Some want him all the time

While others want him confined 

He is either in a mine or sleeping in a hive

He might come when you need him 

Or you might tell him goodbye

Heat is cool only if you know why ...

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