What Are Dreams For ?

What Are Dreams For ?

2 mins

What are your dreams for,

If they didn't squib your soul?

What are dreams for,

If they didn't enthral even after you broke down?

What are dreams for,

If they didn't left your handiwork to ink?

From a seed to old banyan tree,

From a larva to huge dolphin,

From a small ice cube to vast sea,

From a tiny zygote to wise human being,

What are your dreams for,

If they don't let your best version to evolve.

The seed dies to sprout out young sapling,

A larva struggles to keep alive from predators prey,

A small snowflake turns vapour from the dry heat,

A tiny zygote divides million times within.

What are your dreams for,

If they don't take you to lion's den for meal.

The young sapling battling against the wild wind,

The young toddle battling against the wild waves,

The tiny vapours battling against not to break in pieces,

The young chap battling against the societies dogmatics.

What are y

our dreams for,

If they don't make you struggle through hardest battlefield.

The sapling turned into giant tree of fig,

The toddle turned into croaked voice frog,

The vapours turned into huge black cloud,

The young chap turned into buccaneer of town.

What are your dreams for,

If they don't turn your world upside down?

The giant tree of fig spree mottled flowers,

The croaked voice of frog spree little larvas,

The huge black cloud spree tiny rain showers,

The buccaneer of town spree little happiness around.

What are your dreams for,

If they don't entrench your fruits of success for a story?

The mottled flowers wither their beauty for fruits,

The little larvas wither themselves for someone's food,

The tiny rain showers wither themselves for dry woods,

The buccaneer of town wither his dear for serving his nation.

What are your dreams for,

If they don't wither from your pleasures to achieve accolades.

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