Who Are We?
Who Are We?
This is a question,
Troubling me forever,
Who are we????????
We have two eyes,
But do we see??????
We have two ears,
But do we hear?????
We have a brain too!!!!!
But do we think??????
We elect the same ever year,
We get duped ever year,
We talk of rights,
But do we of duties?????
We talk of women liberation,
But what of the Nirbhayas of the nation?
We talk of animals dying of crackers, &nb
But what of the humans treated as animals???
We sympathize with pregnant animals dying,
But what of the humans dying so????
We talk of "lockdown" and "recovery",
We talk of "Corona" scare,
We talk of "pollution",
We talk of "population".
We just Talk and Talk and Talk!!!!!
OH! just give that big mouth a rest,
AND try to do something in that rest!!!
OH! Give me a world,
Of Doers, not Talkers,
OH! Give me a world,
To make me proud,
Of Who We Are,
Not A Question,
Of WHO ARE WE??????????