Mehnaz Hussain

Abstract Romance Fantasy


Mehnaz Hussain

Abstract Romance Fantasy

To the one who stole my heart

To the one who stole my heart

2 mins

Years I have waited, for someone just like you. Years I have waited to feel this. Time and again I have seen the worst, but the hope for someone like you was never lost. You are rarest of rare and your love is scare as pearl in oyster.

You have woven my heart with cumbersome of feelings and now it is difficult to apart. You shine like golden, spark like diamond. Afterall, you are someone who is difficult to find.

Your smile can cherish any soul with a heavy heart. Your words can make someone fly. 

You are kinda treasure I found inside an old fort or deep beneath the sea. You make me smile, you give me joy. How can I resist to love you?

I have let you to the core of my heart to reside forever. The walls of the rooms of my heart are fragile, a scratch can cost me much. I am pretty sure you got locke

d in that room now and I have lost the key for way out. 

Lot to express, lot to say, but how to do I don't know the way. The love feels so admirable, so much integrity in it and to move away is now far fetched. 

I look at you and open up my thoughtful sea. I wonder how can you make my life so beautiful and meaningful. Surely I must admit you are the best view that my eyes could ever adore. The calm that it gives is enthusiastic and the proclivity that I feel is ever ensuring.

The trepidation in me of losing you is unimaginable. Probably the fear of losing something or someone you love is evident. I only wish if I could captivate you and spend my whole day watching you. 

There is only love for you, pure and honest love for you and nothing else. 

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