Brita Roy



Brita Roy


The Earthquake In Turkey

The Earthquake In Turkey

1 min


There was a tremendous vibration, and an ear-splitting sound,

The building swayed from side to side, wide yawned the ground.

Unannounced the seven-storied building came crumbling down,

Disaster, devastation, dissolution had struck the desperate town.

Piercing screams rent the air as was heard a thunderous rumbling,

The gigantic monstrous edifice like a house of cards came tumbling.

 It struck at three on a wintry morning when residents were asleep,

 The vicious earthquake, reduced the mansion to a shattered heap.

 Rescuers extricated the dead and helped the injured in the

ir struggle,

Who were panicking and gasping under a mass of concrete and rubble,

 Soil was soaked in blood, limbs mangled and dissevered lay scattered,

Dust rose enveloping the city, now decimated, destroyed and battered.

 Such is the pathetic story of Turkey and the thousands injured and dead.

They will not be able to tell the world how concrete cracked their head,

How they were crushed to death, how metal rods fractured their bones, 

 How they had gasped for air, and there was no one to hear their groans!


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