
My mind delves into the darkest abyss as I read of the barbarity of humankind,
In the name of allegiance to one’s own nation, untenable justifications we find.
What of the recruit who left his sobbing mother, clinging to him as long as she could?
What of the fledgling young
ster made to hold a rifle, trembling with fear as he stood?
As the bullet pierced his flesh and fractured his bones, he was the one in writhing pain,
What of his life crippled and maimed-- future erased, wasn’t that sacrifice cruel and inane?
The same Sun, the Moon, the sky, and the earth were made for all mankind by the Almighty
But it is the greed of us humans that have apportioned land as our own exclusive property.
Then came into existence the nation with its own language, race, heritage, and culture,
For which we do not hesitate to wage wars, and grab land, like the flesh-eating vulture.
We call it patriotism or nationalism, but it is essentially blatant loot and sordid plunder!
How can we take the life of any human being, which is tantamount to brutal murder?
We are knit close together in a sacred, inextricable bond of a harmonious happy family,
So there should be no meaningless killing, or war--- only friendship, cooperation, and amity.