Brita Roy



Brita Roy


Piya Ray

Piya Ray

2 mins


Piya Ray was a sweet little simple girl, vibrant, vivacious and cheerful,

With shiny eyes, and silken hair, she cried when dragged to school.

Yet with a sparkle and a spirit to always achieve, accomplish and excel,

She painted beautifully, composed poems and became a doctor as well!

 Then Piya went to England and collected degrees one after another,

 But her heart yearned to come back to India and serve her fellow brother.

She set up her own Chamber and gave livelihood and employment to many,

She brought hope and joy to the childless couple by treating Infertility.

Undaunted by the Pandemic, she attended to the Corona-afflicted patient,

Her sense of duty and single-minded dedication marked her out as ‘God-sent’!

Her heart went out to the poor deprived children, without food and clothes,

She subsidized their

meals with palatable, nutritious food, to lighten their woes.

Then Piya had a brilliant idea, why not put up a Performance or a Show?!

She approached the other Doctors and watched their enthusiasm grow.

From the proceeds of the performance by selling tickets she could then,

Buy books, clothes and food for the under-privileged, poor children.

Piya danced and sang like a professional, and her soul sang with her,

She gave an opportunity to the children to showcase their caliber.

The children were too happy to exhibit their talents and all they knew,

It was as if all their yearnings were fulfilled, their dreams had come true.

Piya’s hobby is to add more and more qualifications and top-most Degree,

Such an Outstanding Woman definitely needs celebrating—don’t you agree?!

Every minute of the day, she uses as if it were a gift. from God most precious,

It’s the secret of her sense of fulfillment-- of the outstanding iconic success! 

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