Chapters Yet To Be Written
Chapters Yet To Be Written
There are so many countries yet to visit,
So many delicacies yet to taste.
So many talents yet to exhibit,
So many misunderstandings yet to be erased.
Why give up now?
There are so many books you haven't read,
So many people you haven't met.
So many things you haven't said, so many dreams yet to dread,
So many thoughts over which to fret.
Why miss the adventure?
There are so many songs yet to hear,
So many movies yet to watch.
So many annoying friends to bear,
So many boring classes yet to bunk and dodge.
Don't miss all the fun!
There are so many languages yet to learn,
So many blunders yet to commit.
So many bad memories yet to burn,
So many steps left to reach the summit.
It's all a part of the adventure.
There's someone out there waiting for you,
Someone out there who is going to love you so much.
Someone out there who's waiting to say, "I'm the one for you",
It's your life; you be the judge.
But don't give up on it yet.
The moment you think about giving up,
Think of the reason you held on so long.
Don't quit because of one bad chapter, get up,
There are so many chapters yet to be written, stay strong.
Life's a roller-coaster with ups and downs. Enjoy it.