Limerick To The Squall
Limerick To The Squall

I clasp the pitcher to quench my thirst
Just then the claps of thunder
Drops of pearls on the windows
Look yonder my brain prods
Birds sensing the mood
Flurry to escape the doom
The skies open up to sate the parched land
As I take up the grand seat to revel
Lever unlocked by nature to recycle
Torrent filling up the empty pots
Famished folks praying not to stop
Showers never expect to be so sudden
Except for the harbingers of creator
Hearty beings do a cool waltz
so earthy drawing in to feel
Like a sleuth in disguise
It took the city hustle by surprise
Lashes of sleet on hapless cars
Creating hassle of mayhem on roads
I listen to the puffing tempest
Regaling in not so silent night
Holding me to absolute ransom
In all the humble manors
Poodles shaking off the wetness
Jumping over pooled rainwater
Break from the mercury uppers
To delight in hot soup and supper
Respite from the sun that stew
Wets the verdant planet grassy and green