Color color..which color do you choose??
An innocent game we used to play with nothing to lose.
Does it really matter, what color we choose??
Or for that matter, does it actually make us lose.
Pegs of different colors is what we had..
...To choose and play a game, maybe with our lad.
Sadly, today we look at people as...
....White, yellow, brown and black.
Tolerance in our mind....
....Is that what we all lack?
Are we all not beh
aving like a cad...
....Or has it become the latest fad?
Don't you think, it's time for a new launch pad..
...That would make the whole world really glad.
Come on,
Let's embrace the beauty of different colors..
For they all come with their own unique cultures.
Let's not anytime look at them as others..
For, primarily they all are our own sisters and brothers.
Let's work towards a bright new world..
For, a new bright white light to be unfurled.