The Mystical Mystery Of Joy

The Mystical Mystery Of Joy

2 mins

When my mother reminded me of

The holy grace of prompt obedience,

My teenage rebellion defied her

With my freak will and free choice.

When my father admonished me about

The golden value of decency and decorum

In thought, speech and action,

My whimsical frenzy objected to him.

When my class teacher exhorted me about

The virtues of truth, fidelity, and sincerity,

My presumptuous self-laughed at him

I with my prejudiced mania and speech.

When my vicar friendly urged me about

The fear of God and abiding trust in Him,

My arrogance and insolence tended to

Hate him and God as irrational and illogical.

My obstinacy and waywardness made

Me inimical to my family and friends.

The more was the cordial bonds strained,

The haughtier and more dissipated was I.

My isolation from family and friends

Made my life hellish and excoriating

My doomed fate seemed to prompt me

That I was incorrigible and irredeemable.

My haughty caprice tempted me to think

That others were wrong and I right.

So, I indulged in all vain passions,

Unceasing for the solicitude of others.

I was blind

with fury and hate,

Only to nourish my selfishness and stress.

My dejection and despair consumed me

As if to annihilate my body and soul.

All the same, God was benignant to me

In that, He never willed to spare me.

Sure, my parents and others prayed and prayed

For my conversion into good and God.

Then the sudden apocalypse scoops upon me

That no rebellion, no vengeance, no defiance,

Will ensure domestic joy and amity.

Only compliance, tolerance, and patience,

Forgiveness, forgetfulness, and endurance

Will feed the delicate bloom of joy

And the harmony that binds the domestic tie lightly.

It is self-sacrificial on my past

To renounce my trite and flippant motions.

My self-realization leads me to

The conviction that God wills my conversion.

Each one in the family affords to the

Attainment of domestic peace and joy

My commitment to self-sacrifice and mortification,

Abnegation, selfishness and robust optimism.

I am indebted to God, Oh God, for Your love and ease.

I assure you, I will not deter

From the path, You unveiled to me.

So, let all rejoice in the Lord.

Who loved all by His self-martyrdom.

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